Category: Agile

  • Scrum’s big brother

    John Buck writes in Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy) is Scrum’s Big Brother that agile principles are parallel to many sociocratic principles and patterns. Both agile and sociocracy reminds me of Dee Hock. He was way ahead of his time in contemplating what biology, chaos and complexity theory could teach us in business. See Dee Hock in his…

  • Three faces of power

    I am convinced that we need to change existing power structures in order to achieve organizational democracy. An example are the struggles we see with scaling agile software development to the whole organization. This is ultimately a question of changing the power distribution. Kenneth E. Boulding defines the three faces of power as: Threat Power…

  • Great results happen when

    Great results happen when: People know why they are doing their work. Organizations focus on outcomes and impacts rather than features. Teams decide what to do next based on immediate and direct feedback from the use of their work. Everyone cares. Notes: This is from a workshop in London in February 2013 with “thought leaders”…

  • Scaling Agile @ Spotify

    Henrik Kniberg and Anders Ivarsson have written an interesting paper on Scaling Agile @ Spotify with Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds. The organizational setup of the teams is very interesting. Since I’m currently reading We the People by John Buck and Sharon Villines on dynamic self-governance, I’m wondering if the structure of Chapters & Guilds…

  • Dynamic Self-Governance

    Here is a short video clip on Dynamic Self-Governance for Businesses. Dynamic Self-Governance, or Sociocracy, is a practical way to run a company or organization. It builds upon the core values of transparency, consent, and equal value. It gives everyone an informed voice transforming the organization to become more: Decentralized Empowering Resilient Effective Efficient Adaptive…

  • The anatomy of the agile organization is circular

    Janne Korhonen has written a post on the anatomy of the agile enterprise. His message is that the future of governance is circular. I fully agree. What he does is to describe the dynamic governance structure which is based on the circle organization. I think he is absolutely right because the circular shape is central…

  • Holakrati, holokrati och sociokrati

    Carl Blomberg, som driver bloggen Agil HR, twittrade häromdagen om Holacracy at Adscale Laboratories: Agile for the Entire Organization. Det väckte min uppmärksamhet och fick mig att titta närmare på holakrati (eng holacracy). Jag googlade och hittade en introduktion till holakrati skriven av upphovsmannen Brian Robertson själv. Man kan säga att holakrati är ett sätt…

  • Mjukvaruutveckling är ett samarbetsspel

    Tommy Bryntse har gått en tvådagarskurs i Advanced Agile. Syftet med kursen var att ge djupare förståelse i ämnet. Lärare var Alistair Cockburn. Det är intressant läsning. En metafor som användes under kursen är att se på mjukvarutuvecklings som ett samarbetsspel. Spelet har två mål (skeppa fungerande mjukvara, förbered nästa steg) och tre drag (uppfinna,…

  • I’m not an agilist, I’m a human being

    Jurgen Appelo says in his latest blog I Don’t Care About Agile that he will use any cool words that can help him “to be happy while learning new things and creating value in a network with other people“. That’s a pretty cool goal. My interpretation then is that Jurgen is more of an optimist…

  • The management view of agile

    Craig Smith refers to a series of articles by Steve Denning and asks in his article The Management View of Agile whether agile adoption is being stifled by traditional management because they are unaware or more because they are unwilling? Or is it maybe, as Chris Goldsbury puts it, because they are “…unconvinced, undecided, unsure…