Category: Articles

  • Skye Hirst on decision-making

    IntroductionSkye Hirst is one of the interesting persons I have encountered during my search for more life-affirming ways of working together. Skye Hirst writes, for example, in her article on Value Intelligence in All Creative Organisms that it is an inalienable right to be free to act according to one’s own beinghood. Decision-making is coming…

  • robert wolff Library

    robert wolff (who wrote his name in small letters) is the author of Original Wisdom: Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing, which is a book I highly recommend. robert wolff’s website went offline when he died in 2015. Fortunately, Clinton Callahan has created a robert wolff Library with a collection of robert wolff’s books,…

  • Organizing reflection 21

    This is a post in my series on organizing ”between and beyond.” Other posts are here. The purpose of this post is to reflect on subjects occupying my mind. I make no claim to fully believe what I write. Neither do I pretend that others have not already thought or written about the same subject.…

  • Essential organizing principles for life

    This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. Other posts are here. The purpose of this post is to explore essential organizing principles for Life. BackgroundThis post is based on the article New Possibilities: A World That Works For Everyone – Part I by Skye Hirst. Skye Hirst explores ten essential organizing processes…

  • Paavo Pylkkänen on David Bohm’s interpretation of the quantum theory

    Paavo Pylkkänen discusses David Bohm’s interpretation of quantum theory, including mind and matter, in this article — Is there Room in Quantum Ontology for a Genuine Causal Role for Consciousness? Here are some quotes from the article (my emphasis in bold): … active information is playing a key causal role in physical processes at the…

  • Enlightened organizing

    This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. The post is part of my exploration of deeper generative orders for organizing.  Other posts are here. Organizing assumptions Organizing is based on many different assumptions and beliefs. A dominating one is the positivist belief in a rationally structured world that can be known…

  • Learning to see in the dark

    Here is Dahr Jamail’s interview with deep ecologist and systems theorist Joanna Macy on Learning to See in the Dark Amid Catastrophe. Joanna Macy says: “[…] you can’t do it alone. The dangers coming down on us now are so humongous that it is really beyond an individual mind all by her/him/itself to take it…

  • Value-intelligence as organizing order

    Foreword Value-intelligence within life is related to my interest in organizing principles. I think it’s an example of a deeper generative order for organizing that is present in anything that’s alive. Here are my other posts on organizing. Value-intelligence Skye Hirst, Co-Founder of The Autognomics Institute (TAI), presents here the idea of a Value-Intelligence present…

  • Bob Emiliani on Scientific Management and Toyota Management

    Bob Emiliani is a professor of Lean Management. Here is his post on the historical parallels between Scientific Management 100 years ago and Toyota Management today. People flocked to Scientific Management to become consultants. They would then install something similar in appearance to Scientific Management. Soon an efficiency movement was born, which installed dilutions of…

  • Några tankar om regler

    I vilken utsträckning följer vi regler, om vi inte måste? Ett villkor är att det är viktigt på riktigt. Och den som avgör det är du! Ett exempel är trafikregler. Vissa regler följer vi självmant, t.ex. högerregeln. Det handlar ju ytterst om överlevnad. Andra regler, t.ex. hastighetsbegränsningar, kräver åtgärder i form av vägbulor, hastighetskameror och böter…