Category: Collaboration

  • The Elements

    The Elements with Joseph Jaworski is an interesting series of short videos on: Generative Strategy — integrating experience along the strategic path as it unfolds Discovery — The heart of the entrepreneurial impulse is your capacity to discover new ways to grow a business Power Of Intention — opening doors with commitment Generative Dialogue —…

  • The goal of strategy

    The following is from Dan Gray’s blog post about Stephen Bungay’s book The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results. Stephen Bungay is a military historian who has examined the nineteenth-century Prussian army. There are some unexpected strategy lessons here. At least for me. The goal of strategy, according…

  • How will companies approach the management challenge?

    Here is a visionary tweet by Kenneth Mikkelsen on how companies in the future will approach the management challenge. The businesses will: Have a higher purpose beyond making profit Hire people who are passionate about this higher purpose See all stakeholders as equally important Cultivate long-term relationships with suppliers Have open doors and be transparent…

  • Book Review: Labcraft

    Labcraft: How innovation labs cultivate change through experimentation and collaboration is a book which illustrates ways in which labs cultivate change through experimentation and collaboration. The labs themselves are part of an emerging family of hybrid organizations which create dialogue, cross-pollinate perspectives, and create space for new things to emerge. The book was co-authored by…

  • Picture Collaboration

    Picture Collaboration by Ben Ziegler and Tanya Gadsby is an illustrated guide for working together to solve problems which contains 23 collaborative practices; grouped by collaborative relationships, spaces, and problemsolving techniques. Each practice is described through: 1) an icon, 2) an illustration, and 3) explanatory text.

  • The art of convening

    The Art of Convening by Craig and Partricia Neal is a book on how to enable authentic engagement in meetings, gatherings, and conversations. Authentic engagement is defined as a genuine expression of what is true for us, and an attentive listening to what is true for others. When we are authentically engaged, we feel connected and…

  • Principles for collaborative leadership

    I occasionally see suggestions that business leaders should act more like orchestra conductors. The idea being that you as a leader should guide your business like a conductor leads an orchestra. Well, you shouldn’t! When asked if the orchestra conductor is a good role model for business leaders, Ben Zander, a conductor himself, answered: “It’s…

  • How to confront complex challenges as a team?

    I am now reading Leading from the Emerging Future by Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer. Chapter 4 of the book is about the Source: Connecting to Intention and Awareness. Whenever a team, or an organization, is to confront a complex challenge which requires collective creativity, the following stages emerge: Suspension. A precondition is to stop…

  • Crucial ingredients for collective action

    Petra Kuenkel writes on her blog that: “Innovative approaches and new solutions often derive from people’s ability to dialogue and partner for the future. The quality of how we do this matters. People implement what they have helped to create.” She lists the following ingredients for successful collective action: Understand the system Create resonance Prepare…

  • Prestigelöst svenskt ledarskap

    IT- och energiministern Anna-Karin Hatt frågar på sin blogg om vi ser hur duktiga vi är på att samarbeta här i Sverige? Bakgrunden är att ABB:s globala styrelse hade förlagt sitt styrelsemöte i Stockholm en måndag i oktober 2012. ABB hade bjudit in politiker, general-direktörer, och företrädare för näringslivet till ett rundabordssamtal om smarta elnät.…