Category: Decisions

  • What is a good decision?

    Frederic Laloux makes the following distinctions in Reinventing Organizations, page 46. In the Impulsive-Red perspective, a good decision is the one that gets me what I want. In Conformist-Amber, decisions are held up to the light of conformity to social norms. In Achievement-Orange, effectiveness and success are the yardsticks by which decisions are made. In…

  • Quaker decision-making principles

    There are a number of principles which are characteristic of Quaker decision-making: Unanimous decisions—no voting Silent periods—at start of meeting and when conflict arises Moratorium—when agreement cannot be reached Participation by all with ideas on the subject Learning to listen—not going to meeting with mind made up Absence of leaders—the clerk steers but does not…

  • Quaker-based decision-making

    The principle of consent in sociocracy is derived from Quaker practices. The Quaker-based decision-making has a simple structure which allows for individual voices to be heard while moving the group towards unity (not unanimity). Key components are: The belief in a common humanity and the ability to decide together. Ensuring group members speak only once…

  • Kväkarnas beslutsmetod

    Principen för samtycke i sociokrati bygger på kväkarnas 350-åriga traditioner. Beslut hos kväkarna fattas inte genom majoritetsröstning. Istället nås enighet genom att man söker efter “mötets mening”. I detta sökande är allas erfarenhet, förstånd och omdöme viktiga! Det innebär kväkarna har en djup respekt för individens integritet.  En grundläggande tanke hos kväkarna är att varje…

  • The essentials of Quaker practice

    Sociocratic decision-making by consent is derived from the Quaker tradition. Therefore, it’s interesting to understand how Quakers make decisions and why they do it that way. Here are the essentials of Quaker practice (adapted from Collective Intelligence and Quaker Practice by Leonard Joy): 1. There’s a desire for the common good 2. All voices are…

  • Att ha koll på när du fattar beslut

    Vi behöver få bättre koll på hur belöningsstyrda vi är i vårt beslutsfattande, säger Katarina Gospic, som skrivit boken Välj rätt – en guide till bra beslut (SvD 2012-09-17). Katarina listar sju saker att ha koll på när du fattar beslut: Så påverkar kort- och långsiktiga belöningar. Vår hjärna vill ha snabba belöningar. Långsiktiga mål kräver…

  • Book Review: Culture Shock

    Culture Shock: A Handbook For 21st Century Business by Will McInnes is a brilliant title on a book which is about the culture shock of moving from the traditional autocratic way of doing business to a democratic approach where there is true participation, openness, fairness, and connectedness. The perspective of Culture Shock is that an…