Category: Methods

  • Förändringens fyra rum

    För en vecka sedan deltog jag i en workshop där vi arbetade med Förändringens fyra rum, eller Fyrarummaren som metoden också kallas. Den bygger på en teori framtagen av Claes Janssen. Syftet med workshopen var främst att reflektera över sig själv. Under veckan har jag fortsatt reflektera över övningarna vi gjorde. I Fyrarummaren beskrivs livets…

  • Empowerment is a red herring

    The following is a quote from Harrison Owen on the World wide Open Space Technology email list October 14, 2014. “I know we talk a lot about empowerment, but I have come to the conclusion that it is really a red herring, and most painfully so in those situations where you actually try to do…

  • Pre-conditions for self-organization

    The following is a quote from Harrison Owen on the World wide Open Space Technology email list October 14, 2014. I have changed the formatting. “The essential pre-conditions for self-organization are: A Real business issue (something that people really care about). High levels of complexity such that no single person or group has a prayer…

  • Beliefs influence results

    Peggy Holman writes in Open Space Technology: A User’s NON-Guide, pp. 48—50, that different methods can work in a given situation but what matters most are the beliefs of the facilitator. “My belief (and I don’t have sufficient empirical evidence for it to be more than an opinion) is that while method may be one…

  • Practices related to self-management

    Self-managed organizations adapt continuously, fluidly, and organically provided a few basic practices are put in place. Frederic Laloux emphasizes the following three practice in Reinventing Organizations (pp. 270—271): Decision-making (by consent): Make sure that all can make any decision, as long as they seek advice from people affected and people who have expertise. Conflict resolution:…

  • Wise democracy

    Here is an interview where Nicholas Beecroft interviews Jim Rough on Wise Democracy, Choice Creation and Dynamic Facilitation. Dynamic facilitation takes people into a choice-creating conversation which generates the potential for new outcomes. Jim has found that deep wisdom emerges from a randomly chosen group when the group seeks to serve the whole. He has…

  • Svenska Open Space Institutet

    Svenska Open Space Institutet, SOSI, underlättar, utvecklar och sprider kunskaper om Open Space metoden i Sverige. SOSI har en resurssida med Open Space länkar.

  • How to enable and sustain self-organization

    Harrison Owen, the originator of Open Space Technology, lists eight steps for the care and feeding of self-organization systems in Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World. The number of steps can be fewer or more, depending on how one counts, but these are the eight essentials: Do Your Homework Before You…

  • Nio grundläggande mänskliga behov

    Här är nio grundläggande mänskliga behov från Marshall Rosenbergs kurs i Nonviolent Communication: Försörjning (grundläggande fysiska behov, mat, luft, vatten, tak över huvudet) Trygghet (skydd) Kärlek Empati Vila (rekreation, lek) Gemenskap Kreativitet Autonomi (starkt behov av att välja vår egen väg i livet, finns vid liv i oss från tidig ålder) Mening (leva livet fullt…

  • Cynefin framework

    Cynefin, pronounced kuh-nev-in, is a Welsh word that signifies the multiple factors in our environment and our experience that influence us in ways we can never understand. In this video, Dave Snowden introduces the Cynefin Framework with a brief explanation of its origin and evolution and a detailed discussion of its architecture and function.