Category: Organization

  • Harrison Owen on control

    Here are quotes of Harrison Owen from an email to the World wide Open Space Technology email list August 30, 2015. (My highlights in bold.) It has taken me a lifetime of living. But. I have learned two things, or maybe better, come to two conclusions. 1) All Systems are open. 2) All systems are…

  • What if control is inappropriate?

    My conclusion after having read Brian Robertson’s new book on Holacracy and Gerard Endenburg’s first book on Sociocracy is that neither Holacracy nor Sociocracy replace Command & Control (C&C). Both use C&C within limits. This triggered feedback from Holacracy people that the Lead Link Role doesn’t manage day-to-day work and doesn’t manage others, but that…

  • Dialogic Organization Development

    Here is an academic text book on the field of Dialogic Organizational Development. The book is a mix of perspectives from academics and practitioners. The text is integrated such that the chapters flow one to the next.

  • Metaphor: An organization as a tree

    Daniel Mezick posted my Holacracy book review on Facebook . . . . . . and Michelle Holliday replied with the following metaphor of an organization as a tree. Here’s an excerpt of Michelle’s reply (my emphasis in bold) : … If we think of an organization as a tree, the roots can represent the…

  • Soul of Business

    The causes of much of what happens in our lives lie far deeper than we imagine. The Soul Biographies by Nic Askew look beneath the surface of our lives, work and society at an unusual depth. And in doing so, the films open our eyes wide to what people and organizations might become. Film Collection…

  • Pre-conditions for self-organization

    The following is a quote from The Power of Spirit: How Organizations Transform by Harrison Owen (p. 42). “The essential preconditions for self-organization, according to [Stuart] Kauffman, are the following: A nutrient-rich, relatively protected environment A high level of diversity and potential complexity in terms of the elements present A drive for improvement Sparse pre-existing…

  • Self-organization is the real operating system

    Here are quotes of Daniel Mezick from an email to the World wide Open Space Technology email list March 20, 2015. (My emphasis in bold.) Harrison you once said recently: “The real operating system is self-organization, Daniel. Everything else is an app. Open Space included!” I’ve just recently integrated this idea more fully into my…

  • Appreciate today’s tweets

    I appreciate today’s tweets from Erik Schön (@erik_schon) and Deb Hartmann Preuss (@deborahh). It feels encouraging to know that my search for life-giving ways of working is of interest and adds value to others. Follow my search here and on twitter (@janhoglund).

  • Emergence is simply what life does

    Here are quotes of Harrison Owen on the World wide Open Space Technology email list March 7, 2015. (My highlights in bold.) “Emergence is simply what life does – it just pops up randomly and never follows a plan, or certainly not any plan we might have made. The shift from ‘self organization’ to ’emergence’…

  • Förändringens fyra rum

    För en vecka sedan deltog jag i en workshop där vi arbetade med Förändringens fyra rum, eller Fyrarummaren som metoden också kallas. Den bygger på en teori framtagen av Claes Janssen. Syftet med workshopen var främst att reflektera över sig själv. Under veckan har jag fortsatt reflektera över övningarna vi gjorde. I Fyrarummaren beskrivs livets…