Wholehearted living

Brené Brown has defined 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living. These guidesposts are to cultivate:

  1. Authenticity: Letting go of what people think
  2. Self-Compassion: Letting go of perfectionism
  3. A Resilient Spirit: Letting go of numbing and powerlessness
  4. Gratitude and Joy: Letting go of scarcity and fear of the dark
  5. Intuition and Trusting Faith: Letting go of the need for certainty
  6. Creativity: Letting go of comparison
  7. Play and Rest: Letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth
  8. Calm and Stillness: Letting go of anxiety as a lifestyle
  9. Meaningful Work: Letting go of self-doubt and “supposed to”
  10. Laughter, Song, and Dance: Letting go of being cool and “always in control”



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