The following is from an interview with Bradford Keeney on February 7, 2018. Bradford Keeney said (my emphasis in italics):
(6:16) Everything that we admit is permissible and legitimate in our culture…is that it must be tame,…it must be convenient for words to map, express and articulate… But in fact…the old ways, the original forms of healing and being in relationship to the great mystery was wild. … If we get out of the way and let it fully come into our heart, will find that it brings the greatest joy imaginable…
(8:11) If you want to see someone who knows the spirit, you’re going to encounter the wild. And it’s going to be felt, not understood… It’s not going to be a mind talking about the heart. It’s going to be a heart that’s put the mind in its place, and allows the whole body electric to be fully excited and thrilled like children who can never sit still.
(10:06) What I’m saying is go back to being that child and bring forth what you were born to express, which is movement. I don’t mean dance… I’m talking about going past the dance, having no purposeful attachment to any particular understanding.
(11:04) When you recall times in your life when rhythm made you feel like you wanted to move, that was the beginning. … There is a wiring within us that we were born with…
(20:49) The heart of it…is that those who really work the spirit in the strongest way take words the least seriously. They are the ones who laugh the most and see anyone’s effort to give a right answer as being mad… It’s about allowing the whole of you, your whole mind, body, heart, and soul to be moved by spirit. … Anyone who tried to explain it, they would start laughing, saying you can’t possibly know, you can only be available to feel it.
(22:36) We were meant to be with one another in community… And to become part of a greater pattern of connection.
(32:22) When someone says, unless you follow it my way, and here’s the protocol… [They]…don’t get it, because it is radically born in the moment, with no expectation of what its form will be…
(33:25) All [that] the teachers can do is trip you. The learning comes from being tripped out of the habits that you’re stuck in. I’m talking about the habits of knowing, the habits of construing the world, the habits of feeling…
(33:47) All these things need to be shaken up… The whole of your body needs to be shaken so your everyday routines, your thoughts, your ideas, your beliefs and your body, all need to be shaken in a constant never-ending dance… Anything we say, we have to undo. Anything that another says, we have to ridicule. And every time there is sacred ceremony, it must begin and end with absolute absurdity, with absolute profanity.
(38:15) Now, this is absolutely incredible news for the rest of us who keep running out to buy the next book… We think it’s about knowing, and knowing that we know. And it ends up doing nothing more than making us completely constricted and unavailable to let the spirit move through us. … I don’t want a head talking about a heart… I want a heart shouting about life, and this is a very different kind of thing.
(40:20) No willpower is going to save the world… When you have the joy and your heart is full, you do the right thing effortlessly and naturally… without the need [of] having…a will power to make you do it, to be good. That undoes it, and it backfires…
41:50 … I invite everyone to consider joining me…by deciding from this day forward, I will simply make myself available for the great love, because that’s what it is… Let us find one another…and come together, and begin the great movement, the movement of our bodies, the movement of our hearts and souls…
43:35 … We’re going to shake everything up, all the ideas, all the beliefs, all the things we’ve held on to… We need to sort of shake up everything.
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