Category: Agile

  • Organizing reflection 33

    This is a post in my series on organizing ”between and beyond.” Other posts are here. The purpose of this post is to reflect on subjects occupying my mind. I make no claim to fully believe what I write. Neither do I pretend that others have not already thought or written about the same subject.…

  • Book Review: Leadership Agility

    Let me first say that I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so that I could review it. I accepted writing this review since I’m interested in deeper generative organizing. The dance between leadership and followership is part of this dynamic. So, here is my summary of the book together with some…

  • Bob Emiliani on Scientific Management and Toyota Management

    Bob Emiliani is a professor of Lean Management. Here is his post on the historical parallels between Scientific Management 100 years ago and Toyota Management today. People flocked to Scientific Management to become consultants. They would then install something similar in appearance to Scientific Management. Soon an efficiency movement was born, which installed dilutions of…

  • Organizing in between and beyond

    This is the first post in my series on organizing “between and beyond.” Other posts are here. The last chapter in Science, Order, and Creativity by David Bohm and F. David Peat is about “the order between and beyond”.1 Bohm and Peat write that most attempts to find order, say a new theory, involve searching…

  • Is sociocracy agile?

    Decision Making Systems Matter is an interesting article by Pieter van der Meché, Jens Coldewey, and Hendrik Esser, with Anders Ivarsson as additional contributor. The article is funded by the Agile Alliance and is a Supporting Agile Adoption publication. The authors describe how combining “Agile with ideas from Sociocracy provides … a way to create…

  • Agile software development in the 1970s

    Here is Dee Hock’s own story of the development of VISA’s first electronic authorization system (BASE 1) which was launched in 1973. We were determined that the needs of our members and cardholders would be served, not the needs of technology or vendors. That required internal responsibility. We decided to become our own prime contractor,…

  • What if control is inappropriate?

    My conclusion after having read Brian Robertson’s new book on Holacracy and Gerard Endenburg’s first book on Sociocracy is that neither Holacracy nor Sociocracy replace Command & Control (C&C). Both use C&C within limits. This triggered feedback from Holacracy people that the Lead Link Role doesn’t manage day-to-day work and doesn’t manage others, but that…

  • Appreciate today’s tweets

    I appreciate today’s tweets from Erik Schön (@erik_schon) and Deb Hartmann Preuss (@deborahh). It feels encouraging to know that my search for life-giving ways of working is of interest and adds value to others. Follow my search here and on twitter (@janhoglund).

  • Scrum vs. Sociocracy

    Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects. Sociocracy is a method for equivalent, effective, and transparent self-governance in organizations. They are surprisingly coherent and complementary. Sociocracy’s focus is on the governance of the whole organization, while Scrum’s focus is on the project management. Here’s a comparison between them:…

  • Hur få en organisation att bli agil?

    En fråga som jag funderar över är hur vi på ett bättre sätt kan arbeta tillsammans. Med bättre menar jag ett mer människovänligt sätt. Och med människovänligt menar jag ett sätt som ger den enskilde individen möjlighet att fullt ut ”komma till sin rätt”. Detta är inte enbart en fråga om respekt för den enskilda…