Category: Articles
Enlightened organizing
This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. The post is part of my exploration of deeper generative orders for organizing. Other posts are here. Organizing assumptions Organizing is based on many different assumptions and beliefs. A dominating one is the positivist belief in a rationally structured world that can be known…
Learning to see in the dark
Here is Dahr Jamail’s interview with deep ecologist and systems theorist Joanna Macy on Learning to See in the Dark Amid Catastrophe. Joanna Macy says: “[…] you can’t do it alone. The dangers coming down on us now are so humongous that it is really beyond an individual mind all by her/him/itself to take it…
Value-intelligence as organizing order
Foreword Value-intelligence within life is related to my interest in organizing principles. I think it’s an example of a deeper generative order for organizing that is present in anything that’s alive. Here are my other posts on organizing. Value-intelligence Skye Hirst, Co-Founder of The Autognomics Institute (TAI), presents here the idea of a Value-Intelligence present…
Bob Emiliani on Scientific Management and Toyota Management
Bob Emiliani is a professor of Lean Management. Here is his post on the historical parallels between Scientific Management 100 years ago and Toyota Management today. People flocked to Scientific Management to become consultants. They would then install something similar in appearance to Scientific Management. Soon an efficiency movement was born, which installed dilutions of…
Några tankar om regler
I vilken utsträckning följer vi regler, om vi inte måste? Ett villkor är att det är viktigt på riktigt. Och den som avgör det är du! Ett exempel är trafikregler. Vissa regler följer vi självmant, t.ex. högerregeln. Det handlar ju ytterst om överlevnad. Andra regler, t.ex. hastighetsbegränsningar, kräver åtgärder i form av vägbulor, hastighetskameror och böter…
Otto Scharmer on absencing vs. presencing
Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer at MIT, Professor at Tsinghua University, and co-founder of the Presencing Institute. Here is his article on the watershed moment we have entered after the American presidential election. Scharmer writes: “We have entered a watershed moment not only here in America, but also globally. It’s a moment that could…
George Lakoff on Big Lies and Truth
George Lakoff is Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley. He is a longtime researcher in linguistics and cognitive science. Here is an article on American politics, in which he gives advice on how to deal with Big Lies, and how to communicate Truth.…
Wheatley & Kellner-Rogers on the future of organizing
Here is an article from July/August 1996 on The Irresistible Future of Organizing by Margaret J. Wheatley & Myron Kellner-Rogers. They write: “Organizations-as-machines is a 17th century notion … Three hundred years later, we still serach for “tools and techniques” …” “The tension of our times is that we want our organizations to behave as…
The limits of automation
Here is an article on Robots Will Replace Doctors, Lawyers, and Other Professionals by Richard Susskind and Daniel Susskind in Harward Business Review, October 11, 2016. They “expect that within decades the traditional professions will be dismantled, leaving most, but not all, professionals to be replaced by less-expert people, new types of experts, and high-performing…
Diane Musho Hamilton on exploring truth in all points
Here is an article1 by Diane Musho Hamilton where she comments on the US presidential election 2016. Hamilton writes (my emphasis in bold): “… because [truth] … is fragmented, our interiors feel fragmented. When it becomes so difficult to find the truth, we start to allow crude and reductive discourse to limit our own minds.…