Category: Books

  • Retrospective 2020-31

    This is a summary of my reading during the week. Books I have read Wholeness in Science by Guus van der Bie. The author attempts to develop Goethe’s method in his interest in a humanization of medicine. Similarly, I think it’s possible to develop Goethe’s method in the interest of humanizing work. Traditional management, which…

  • Retrospective 2020-02

    This is a summary of last week’s reading. I’ve mentioned previously that I feel a need to wrap-up my series of posts on deeper generative organizing. One way of saying it is that: “There is no formula, except this is a formula.”1 As soon as we rely on formulas, procedures, and defined processes, we become…

  • Retrospective 2020-01

    This is a retrospective of my reading last year. Introduction Looking back, I realize that I read less than half of what I used to read. I also realize that I published very few book reviews (see end of post). The reason is that I started painting and love it! Below are lists of the…

  • Retrospective 2019-46

    This is a summary of my reading and painting this week. Book The Philosopher’s Stone: Chaos, Synchronicity and the Hidden Order of the World by F. David Peat arrived this week. I have started reading the book and will come back with a review. Peat is one of my favorite authors. My series of posts…

  • Posts on David Bohm

    David Bohm is one of the most interesting thinkers that I’ve encountered during all years of reading. Here’s an overview of posts where I mention David Bohm in one way or another: 2018 Organizing retrospective 126 — A retrospective of 2018. Book Review: The Supreme Art of Dialogue by Anthony Blake Book Review: Mind and…

  • Maverick & Sociocracy

    I have recently read Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World’s Most Unusual Workplace by Ricardo Semler, which is an international bestseller from 1993. While reading, I was struck by the similarities and differences between how Ricardo Semler runs Semco and The Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method, which was developed by Gerard Endenburg. Family businesses The first…

  • Book Review: Maverick

    Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World’s Most Unusual Workplace by Ricardo Semler is an international bestseller which was first published in 1993. This is a review of the edition from 1999. Ricardo Semler writes in the new introduction that Maverick is “a reminder that age-old truths about human nature, respect and integrity can be…

  • Retrospective 2019-26

    This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week, including some reflections. Reflections I made the following notes to myself this month: Life is self-creating in a dynamically alive universe. Generative organizing is autopoietic. Allopoietic operating principles are “poisonous” for living systems. Organizing between and beyond is about moving beyond the…

  • Retrospective 2019-25

    This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Reading This week I started reading Mae-Wan Ho’s The Rainbow and The Worm and Living Rainbow H2O. Mae-Wan Ho takes the reader on a fascinating voyage of discovery through the physics of organisms, which explains why water is so remarkably fit for…

  • Retrospective 2019-24

    This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Reading I finished reading Safeguarding Our Common Future by Ingrid Leman Stefanovic this week. Ingrid Leman Stefanovic argues that our environmental actions will change only when we see our world in a different way. Our basic beliefs and value systems frame the…