Category: Books
Retrospective 2019-22
This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Painting I enjoy painting trees and flowers, water and sky! It’s meditative. Reading I’ve read David Abram’s The Spell of the Sensuous this week. I’ve also read, or rather re-read, Elisabet Sahtouris’ EarthDance during week. I was reminded that what Elisabet Sahtouris…
Retrospective 2019-21
This is a summary of my painting and reading this week. Painting I’ve continued my exploration of flowers, water and sky. Reading I’ve read Stephan Harding’s Animate Earth, which is a book I really like. I will come back with a summary and review of the book. (Here is a video where Stephan Harding presents…
Retrospective 2019-20
This is a look back at was has happened during the week. Paintings Below are this week’s paintings. The flower is from a photo by Emma Taylor (@generativeOD). And the painting with the trees and green moss is from Fermansbo Urskog, which is an old-growth forest. Books This week I’ve read The Way of Zen…
Retrospective 2019-19
This is a look back at what has happened during the week. Paintings Below are this week’s paintings where I explore the use of colors. I have become better at seeing and working with contrasts compared to a month ago. Books One from ManyI mentioned last week that I planned to review On Dialogue by…
Retrospektiv 2019-13
Detta är en återblick på veckan. Nya böcker I början av veckan kom två nya böcker. Den ena boken är Animate Earth av Stephan Harding. Det som intresserar mig är att Harding kombinerar rationellt tänkande med intuition och känsla. Jag återkommer eventuellt med en bokrecension. Den andra boken är On Becoming a Novelist av John…
Book Review: Clever Digs
Jenny Quillien identifies patterns that enable thought in her book Clever Digs: How Workspaces Can Enable Thought. Quillien focuses on thinking, but doesn’t address spaces for aliveness (Christopher Alexander’s “quality without a name“). I assume that places that support a sense of aliveness also are good for thinking — especially creative thinking. Patterns can be…
Retrospektiv 2019-10
Detta är en återblick på veckan, som handlar om ledarskap i olika former. Under veckan läste jag Livsfarlig ledning av Bengt Carlsson och Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall. Det är historien om kraschen i ABB för snart 20 år sedan. Nästa vecka kommer jag att läsa Nachemson-Ekwall och Carlssons bok Guldregn, som är sagan om Skandia för nästan…
robert wolff Library
robert wolff (who wrote his name in small letters) is the author of Original Wisdom: Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing, which is a book I highly recommend. robert wolff’s website went offline when he died in 2015. Fortunately, Clinton Callahan has created a robert wolff Library with a collection of robert wolff’s books,…
Retrospektiv 2019-05
Detta är en återblick på veckan. Under veckan har jag läst tre böcker. Joy Den ena boken är Joy: The Surrender of the Body and to Life av Alexander Lowen. Boken publicerades första gången 1994. Alexander Lowen hade 48 års erfarenhet av kroppsterapi när han skrev boken. Delar av boken är mycket insiktsfulla, medan jag…
Henri Bortoft on human organizations and relationships
IntroductionHenri Bortoft is the author The Wholeness of Nature and Taking Appearance Seriously. I am particularly interested in the ‘dynamic way of seeing’ which is explained at length by Henri Bortoft. Taking the ‘appearance’ seriously is necessary if we want to see ‘life’ in nature and in work. Henri Bortoft mentions in Taking Appearance Seriously…