Category: Books
Posts on David Bohm
David Bohm is one of the most interesting thinkers that I’ve encountered during all years of reading. Here’s an overview of posts where I mention David Bohm in one way or another: 2018 Organizing retrospective 126 — A retrospective of 2018. Book Review: The Supreme Art of Dialogue by Anthony Blake Book Review: Mind and…
Maverick & Sociocracy
I have recently read Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World’s Most Unusual Workplace by Ricardo Semler, which is an international bestseller from 1993. While reading, I was struck by the similarities and differences between how Ricardo Semler runs Semco and The Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method, which was developed by Gerard Endenburg. Family businesses The first…
Book Review: Maverick
Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World’s Most Unusual Workplace by Ricardo Semler is an international bestseller which was first published in 1993. This is a review of the edition from 1999. Ricardo Semler writes in the new introduction that Maverick is “a reminder that age-old truths about human nature, respect and integrity can be…
Retrospective 2019-26
This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week, including some reflections. Reflections I made the following notes to myself this month: Life is self-creating in a dynamically alive universe. Generative organizing is autopoietic. Allopoietic operating principles are “poisonous” for living systems. Organizing between and beyond is about moving beyond the…
Retrospective 2019-25
This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Reading This week I started reading Mae-Wan Ho’s The Rainbow and The Worm and Living Rainbow H2O. Mae-Wan Ho takes the reader on a fascinating voyage of discovery through the physics of organisms, which explains why water is so remarkably fit for…
Retrospective 2019-24
This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Reading I finished reading Safeguarding Our Common Future by Ingrid Leman Stefanovic this week. Ingrid Leman Stefanovic argues that our environmental actions will change only when we see our world in a different way. Our basic beliefs and value systems frame the…
Retrospective 2019-23
This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Reading This week I’ve read Energies (1964), How We Do Things (1974), Transformation (1974), Intimations (1975), Creative Thinking (1989), and Way To Be Free (2006) by John G. Bennett. John G. Bennett always returned to the idea that there are more inward…
Retrospective 2019-22
This is a look back at my reading and painting during the week. Painting I enjoy painting trees and flowers, water and sky! It’s meditative. Reading I’ve read David Abram’s The Spell of the Sensuous this week. I’ve also read, or rather re-read, Elisabet Sahtouris’ EarthDance during week. I was reminded that what Elisabet Sahtouris…
Retrospective 2019-21
This is a summary of my painting and reading this week. Painting I’ve continued my exploration of flowers, water and sky. Reading I’ve read Stephan Harding’s Animate Earth, which is a book I really like. I will come back with a summary and review of the book. (Here is a video where Stephan Harding presents…
Retrospective 2019-20
This is a look back at was has happened during the week. Paintings Below are this week’s paintings. The flower is from a photo by Emma Taylor (@generativeOD). And the painting with the trees and green moss is from Fermansbo Urskog, which is an old-growth forest. Books This week I’ve read The Way of Zen…