Category: Governance
Retrospective 2024-18
This is a retrospective of week 18, 2024 (2024-04-29–2024-05-05). This week I’ve continued looking into the work of Forrest Landry. Here and here are my previous retrospectives on Landry’s work. Jim Rutt talks with Landry about his Small Group Method and the difficulties in scaling it up beyond 16 people in this podcast. Forrest Landry’s…
Governance in harmony with Life
Alfred Huang describes an ancient culture seeking harmony with Life, governance without coercion, in Understanding the I Ching. What they knew 3000 years ago, we need to relearn today. My emphasis in italics. The I Ching reveals an ancient culture that honors Heaven, esteems the Earth and expresses love for the people. It espouses a…