Category: Inspiration
A wide-ranging hangout with Simon Robinson
Simon Robinson, co-author of Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter, shares in this wide-ranging hangout his view on holonomics, wholeness, leadership, change, human values, and the dynamics of seeing deeply. Simon says that there’s lot of talk about collaboration, co-creation, sustainability, and sharing, but that these are just words if there’s no authenticity and…
A vision for the future
We can either… Allow humans to become harnessed…so they become just more effective… Or Re-assess our world view and work…towards human needs. —Charles Tolman1 Note 1 Charles Tolman, ACCU 2013 Exploration of Phenomenology of Software Development, p. 19.
Book Review: First Steps to Seeing
First Steps to Seeing: A Path Towards Living Attentively is Emma Kidd’s first book. Emma Kidd “left the fashion industry to investigate alternative ways of thinking about and doing business” (p. 11). What she didn’t expect was that her explorations would take her right back to the very foundation for her previous work as designer…
Soul of Business
The causes of much of what happens in our lives lie far deeper than we imagine. The Soul Biographies by Nic Askew look beneath the surface of our lives, work and society at an unusual depth. And in doing so, the films open our eyes wide to what people and organizations might become. Film Collection…
Ett exempel på värdegrund
För några år sedan hörde jag en föreläsning av Nirvan Richter, grundare av Norrgavel. Föredraget handlade dels om hantverket i möbelsnickeri, dels om Norrgavels värdegrund. Nirvan Richter är en färgstark person med starka värderingar. Norrgavels värdegrund är tredelad och har ett humanistiskt, ett ekologiskt och ett existensiellt perspektiv: Humanistisk – om människan: Ambitionen är alltid…
Remember to live the questions now
Remember to be deeply honest with yourself, deeply aware of yourself. It requires that you face choices and realize that sometimes the right choice are difficult ones. Remember that the way forward demands the most intense personal integrity. It demands that you become aware of and live out of that deep center in yourself that…
The humility of taking notice
The Humility of Taking Notice is a human portrait in a short black & white film by Nic Askew.
Appreciate today’s tweets
I appreciate today’s tweets from Erik Schön (@erik_schon) and Deb Hartmann Preuss (@deborahh). It feels encouraging to know that my search for life-giving ways of working is of interest and adds value to others. Follow my search here and on twitter (@janhoglund).
The Elements
The Elements with Joseph Jaworski is an interesting series of short videos on: Generative Strategy — integrating experience along the strategic path as it unfolds Discovery — The heart of the entrepreneurial impulse is your capacity to discover new ways to grow a business Power Of Intention — opening doors with commitment Generative Dialogue —…
How will companies approach the management challenge?
Here is a visionary tweet by Kenneth Mikkelsen on how companies in the future will approach the management challenge. The businesses will: Have a higher purpose beyond making profit Hire people who are passionate about this higher purpose See all stakeholders as equally important Cultivate long-term relationships with suppliers Have open doors and be transparent…