Category: Inspiration
The conversational nature of reality
Here is a lovely TEDx talk called Life at the Frontier: The Conversational Nature of Reality by the poet David Whyte which resonates beautifully for me.
Life-giving work
Life-giving work is bringing something meaning-filled into being. Bringing something into being requires flexibility and ability to adapt one’s capacities to the demands of the situation. As some degree of mastery is gained, what is brought into being can can become expressive of something that has its own integrity and beauty. These thoughts were inspired…
The end of hierarchy
Here is a conversation between Gary Hamel and Terri Kelly, president and CEO of W.L. Gore, on Gore’s long-running experiment in natural leadership and managing without managers. Very interesting and fascinating!
Book Review: Holonomics
Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter by Simon Robinson and Maria Moraes Robinson is a book which places business within the overall ecosystem of the biosphere. Holonomics is a combination of ‘holos’ (the whole) and economics. The authors highlight the limitations and traps within the current ways of thinking in business. The book is…
Turn the ship around
David Marquet is the submarine captain who turned the ship around by treating his entire crew as leaders, not followers. He vowed never to give an order. This is an example on how to release the passion, initiative, and intellect of everyone on the team. The submarine crew continued to do well long after his…
Open Workplaces
Here is a #HRockstars IGNITE session on transforming global workplaces to open workplaces with Johann Gauthier, Suzanne Daigle, Josh Allan Dykstra, Derek Wade, Kevin O’Brien and Linda Stevenson. These persons are dedicated, being relentless in changing the way we work, not separating life and work anymore. Very inspiring!
The art of convening
The Art of Convening by Craig and Partricia Neal is a book on how to enable authentic engagement in meetings, gatherings, and conversations. Authentic engagement is defined as a genuine expression of what is true for us, and an attentive listening to what is true for others. When we are authentically engaged, we feel connected and…
Leadership lessons from Nelson Mandela
Steve Tappin contemplates and celebrates Nelson Mandela’s legend by listing seven profound leadership lessons that we can learn from him: Master your meaning and your emotions Treat the losers with dignity and turn them into partners Shift perspectives through symbolism and shared experiences Embody the spirit of Ubuntu Everybody feels bigger in your presence Build…
Principles for our journey from self to Self, from we to We
As human beings, we are on an open-ended life journey full of breakdowns and breakthroughs. It’s a journey that is about becoming who we really are. This journey requires us to move although we cannot fully see. It takes courage to leap into the unknown. Here is a summary of twelve principles and practices that…
Book Review: Mind and Heart
Mind and Heart – Mapping Your Personal Journey Towards Leadership For Sustainability by Petra Kuenkel is a book which shows how we can use our life and leadership experiences to make more meaningful contributions to the world. Petra invites us to review our own leadership journeys in the light of other people’s experiences. She offers…