Category: Leadership
Iain McGilchrist on control
The following quote is from a conversation between Iain McGilchrist and Ameer Shaheed in May 2023. It is part of a series of conversations exploring McGilchrist’s philosophy as laid out in The Matter with Things. (My emphasis in italics.) I would go so far as to say that control, which is the single value of…
Retrospektiv 2019-11
Inledning Detta är en återblick på vad som hänt under veckan. Jag hade tänkt skriva ett inlägg om levande grupper, men det blev av olika anledningar inte av. Får återkomma. Axiom Under veckan har jag forsatt läsa såväl böcker som artiklar av Stephen Harrod Buhner. Ensouling Language hör till mina favoriter. Bland Buhners artiklar hittade…
Retrospektiv 2019-10
Detta är en återblick på veckan, som handlar om ledarskap i olika former. Under veckan läste jag Livsfarlig ledning av Bengt Carlsson och Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall. Det är historien om kraschen i ABB för snart 20 år sedan. Nästa vecka kommer jag att läsa Nachemson-Ekwall och Carlssons bok Guldregn, som är sagan om Skandia för nästan…
Organizing reflection 16
This is a post in my series on organizing ”between and beyond.” Other posts are here. The purpose of this post is to reflect on subjects occupying my mind. I make no claim to fully believe what I write. Neither do I pretend that others have not already thought or written about the same subject. More often…
Book Review: Leadership Agility
Let me first say that I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so that I could review it. I accepted writing this review since I’m interested in deeper generative organizing. The dance between leadership and followership is part of this dynamic. So, here is my summary of the book together with some…
Peter Pula on why hosting is harder than leading
Peter Pula is the Founder of Axiom News. Here is his post on Why Hosting Is Harder than Leading. He writes that: “We have become so remarkably accustomed to a form of leadership that comes from the top.” “Top down leadership seems easier in the short term, but I believe it takes its toll. Too…
Analysis of egalitarian dynamics among the G/wi
This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. Other posts are here. The purpose of this post is to explore the egalitarian dynamics among the G/wi-speaking people in the Central Kalahari Reserve of Botswana. The analysis is summarized here. Background The egalitarian dynamics among foraging societies hold clues to a deeper generative…
John Seddon on lean
John Seddon writes about lean in his two books Freedom from Command & Control and The Whitehall Effect. He writes that the term lean was coined by Womack, Roos and Jones1 when they wrote The Machine That Changed the World. The term thus came to represent the Toyota Production System as a whole. What’s interesting…
The toxic handler
Peter J. Frost and Sandra Robinson presents their research on The Toxic Handler: Organizational Hero—and Casualty in the July–August 1999 issue of the Harvard Business Review. They write that: “Toxic handlers voluntarily shoulder the sadness and the anger that are endemic to organizational life.” Toxic handlers alleviate organizational pain in five ways: “They listen empathetically.“…
Integral Management
Integral Management is a management model which addresses the question: “What does it take to have everyone in a company wholeheartedly join forces and take on challenges that, to most companies, would seem quite impossible?” The model has grown organically for more than 25 years. It’s based on a learning dialog involving tens of thousands…