Category: Leadership
Crucial ingredients for collective action
Petra Kuenkel writes on her blog that: “Innovative approaches and new solutions often derive from people’s ability to dialogue and partner for the future. The quality of how we do this matters. People implement what they have helped to create.” She lists the following ingredients for successful collective action: Understand the system Create resonance Prepare…
Management & to manage (English-Swedish translations)
The noun management and the verb manage cannot be directly translated into Swedish. Below are possible English-Swedish translations: The verb manage comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools), which derives from the Latin word manus (hand). management {noun} förvaltning · styrelse · skötsel · direktion · ledning · hanteringssystem · handhavande · hantering…
Den svenska chefen är djupt rotad i svensk historia
Den svenska chefstypen är speciell och djupt rotad i svensk historia hävdar Gunnar Wetterberg, Sacos samhällspolitiske chef, i Cheferna – en svensk kulturtillgång. Den svenska chefens främsta styrka är prestigelösheten. Gunnar Wetterberg härleder det prestigelösa svenska chefskapet dels från statsmannen Axel Oxenstierna som blev svensk rikskansler 1612, dels från det unikt jämlika bondesamhället. I Sverige…
What’s behind the need of control?
What’s the driver behind the need of control in autocratic command-and-control management? Here’s what I found in Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination by Walter Wink. “Why do you need to control everything?” he was asked. “Because if things go wrong I’ll get blamed.” “What fear lies behind that need…
Management is designed to get compliance
Daniel Pink talks in this Stoos Connect video about management as a technology from the 19th century. It’s designed to get compliance. We need engagement instead, but people cannot be managed into engagement. Engagement must be built around the principles of self-direction. It’s a big and urgent challenge!
Management as stewardship of the living
There was a Stoos Connect gathering in Amsterdam this week with some twenty speakers including Steve Denning, Dan Pink, and others. Videos of the talks will be made available on-line shortly. Going forward, Steve Denning suggests the following Five Guideposts For The Future Of Leadership and Management: We need to recognize the extent of the…
Dålig chef – hög sjukfrånvaro
Det danska tjänstemannafacket FTF har presenterat en undersökning som visar att det finns ett klart samband mellan stress, hög sjukfrånvaro och dålig arbetsmiljö. En chef som inte tar hänsyn till den psykiska arbetsmiljön kan få sjukfrånvaron att stiga till tio gånger det normala (DN 2013-01-09). FTF:s ordförande Bente Sorgenfrey anser att arbetsledare måste ta den…
Let’s take self-organization seriously
We are in the middle of December and the days are short up here in the northern part of Europe, but it’s not only a dark time of the year. I have recently encountered musings about the darkness in the world in the books I have read. Margaret Wheatley writes for example in her new…
Leadership online resources
The Leadership Resource Center at Zenger Folkman is packed with with useful articles, white papers, checklists/worksheets, case studies, and training videos. To get access you need to create an account. Access if free. The resources are divided by type and research area.
Interesting blogs
Here’s a list of some of my favorite blogs: The Intentional Workplace by Louise Altman, Twitter: @intentionalcomm Transforming Work One Conversation at a Time gonna.grow.wings by David Holzmer, Twitter: @DavidHolzmer Leadership | Innovation | Emergence | Empathy Decoding the challenges & mystery of Leadership as a web of complexity, relationality and human development quantum shifting…