Category: Life

  • Remember to live the questions now

    Remember to be deeply honest with yourself, deeply aware of yourself. It requires that you face choices and realize that sometimes the right choice are difficult ones. Remember that the way forward demands the most intense personal integrity. It demands that you become aware of and live out of that deep center in yourself that…

  • Pre-conditions for self-organization

    The following is a quote from The Power of Spirit: How Organizations Transform by Harrison Owen (p. 42). “The essential preconditions for self-organization, according to [Stuart] Kauffman, are the following: A nutrient-rich, relatively protected environment A high level of diversity and potential complexity in terms of the elements present A drive for improvement Sparse pre-existing…

  • The humility of taking notice

    The Humility of Taking Notice is a human portrait in a short black & white film by Nic Askew.

  • Emergence is simply what life does

    Here are quotes of Harrison Owen on the World wide Open Space Technology email list March 7, 2015. (My highlights in bold.) “Emergence is simply what life does – it just pops up randomly and never follows a plan, or certainly not any plan we might have made. The shift from ‘self organization’ to ’emergence’…

  • The uncovering of the U-process

    TAI Presents Joseph Jaworski who tells the story about the uncovering of the U-process. The presentation is divided into the seven videos: Part 1(7) (Joseph Jaworski starts talking at 8:50) Part 2(7) (Joseph Jaworski mentions Eleanor Rosch at 0:08 and David Bohm at 3:50) Part 3(7) (Joseph Jaworksi mentions Brian Arthur at 2:17) Part 4(7)…

  • The Elements

    The Elements with Joseph Jaworski is an interesting series of short videos on: Generative Strategy — integrating experience along the strategic path as it unfolds Discovery — The heart of the entrepreneurial impulse is your capacity to discover new ways to grow a business Power Of Intention — opening doors with commitment Generative Dialogue —…

  • The conversational nature of reality

    Here is a lovely TEDx talk called Life at the Frontier: The Conversational Nature of Reality by the poet David Whyte which resonates beautifully for me.

  • Life-giving work

    Life-giving work is bringing something meaning-filled into being. Bringing something into being requires flexibility and ability to adapt one’s capacities to the demands of the situation. As some degree of mastery is gained, what is brought into being can can become expressive of something that has its own integrity and beauty. These thoughts were inspired…

  • Nio grundläggande mänskliga behov

    Här är nio grundläggande mänskliga behov från Marshall Rosenbergs kurs i Nonviolent Communication: Försörjning (grundläggande fysiska behov, mat, luft, vatten, tak över huvudet) Trygghet (skydd) Kärlek Empati Vila (rekreation, lek) Gemenskap Kreativitet Autonomi (starkt behov av att välja vår egen väg i livet, finns vid liv i oss från tidig ålder) Mening (leva livet fullt…

  • Nine basic human needs

    Marshall Rosenberg mentions nine basic human needs in his NVC training course Session #3 (22 minutes from start): Sustenance (basic physical needs, food, air, water, shelter) Safety (protection) Love Empathy Rest (recreation, play) Community (warm) Creativity Autonomy (strong need to choose our own way in life, is alive in us from an early age) Meaning…