Category: Life

  • The conversational nature of reality

    Here is a lovely TEDx talk called Life at the Frontier: The Conversational Nature of Reality by the poet David Whyte which resonates beautifully for me.

  • Life-giving work

    Life-giving work is bringing something meaning-filled into being. Bringing something into being requires flexibility and ability to adapt one’s capacities to the demands of the situation. As some degree of mastery is gained, what is brought into being can can become expressive of something that has its own integrity and beauty. These thoughts were inspired…

  • Nio grundläggande mänskliga behov

    Här är nio grundläggande mänskliga behov från Marshall Rosenbergs kurs i Nonviolent Communication: Försörjning (grundläggande fysiska behov, mat, luft, vatten, tak över huvudet) Trygghet (skydd) Kärlek Empati Vila (rekreation, lek) Gemenskap Kreativitet Autonomi (starkt behov av att välja vår egen väg i livet, finns vid liv i oss från tidig ålder) Mening (leva livet fullt…

  • Nine basic human needs

    Marshall Rosenberg mentions nine basic human needs in his NVC training course Session #3 (22 minutes from start): Sustenance (basic physical needs, food, air, water, shelter) Safety (protection) Love Empathy Rest (recreation, play) Community (warm) Creativity Autonomy (strong need to choose our own way in life, is alive in us from an early age) Meaning…

  • Enjoy life

    I found this anonymous unattributed quote about enjoying life even when there are hardships to overcome in a shop window in Umeå, Sweden. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

  • Operating principles for mechanisms and organisms

    Here is a comparison between operating principles for mechanisms and organisms from Elisabet Sahtouris’ book EarthDance, page 370: MECHANISM ORGANISM Allopoietic Autopoietic Inventor created Self-created Hierarchic structure Holarchic embeddedness Top-down command Holarchic dialog/negotiation System engineered System negotiated Repaired by engineers/experts Repairs itself Evolution by external redesign Evolution by internal redesign Exists for product or profit…

  • Organizational and operational features of healthy living systems

    Here is a list of organizational and operational features of healthy living systems from Elisabet Sahtouris’ book EarthDance, page 369: Self-creation (autopoiesis) Self-reflexivity (autognosis—self-knowledge) Self-regulation/maintenance (autonomics) Response ability—to internal and external stress or change Embeddedness in larger holons and dependence on them (holarchy) Input/output of matter/energy/information from/to other holons Transformation of matter/energy/information Communications among all…

  • Konsten att leva innerligt

    Ted Harris och Ann Lagerström har tillsammans skrivit en bok om Konsten att leva innerligt. Boken handlar om meningen med livet. Varken mer eller mindre. Guide ut på de existentiella djupen är Søren Kierkegaard. Boken är uppbyggd som ett samtal mellan Ann och Søren. Ur Søren Kierkegaards egen brottningskamp med de existentiella frågorna växte tre…

  • Seeing Life in Work

    Simon Robinson is co-author of Holonomics, Customer Experiences with Soul, and Deep Tech and the Amplified Organisation. Simon invited me to write a guest blog post for Transition of Consciousness. I wrote about Seeing Life in Work. Update 2022-09-18: Text updated and converted to blocks.

  • A matter of life and death

    John Wenger asks in his post A Matter of Life and Death “Why would the whole of the Universe be a complex, self-organising and interdependent system, and a business be a top-down, controlled machine?” Yes indeed why? He continues saying that “Even if we continue to “KNOW” that our business is a machine, it does…