Category: Life

  • Preservation of the soul

    Here is Jeffrey Mishlove’s interview with David Whyte on the preservation of the soul, waking up, and saving our lives. LOST Stand still. The trees ahead and bushed beside you Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here. And you must treat it as a powerful stranger, Must ask permission to know it and…

  • Corageous conversations

    Here is a short video with David Whyte on Courageous Conversations at Kripalu. By definition, the courageous conversation is the conversation you are not having now, and also by definition, the courageous conversation is the conversation you don’t want to have.

  • Keeping your heart alive

    When we are present in our work as human beings, when we are connected to the lives around us, and the stories around us, the work itself will sustain you, and inspire you, and even heal you. — Rachel Naomi Remen Notes: Keeping Your Heart Alive: Rachel Naomi Remen talks about the importance of connecting…

  • Christopher Alexander on real beauty

    When you come face-to-face with real beauty it changes you, and it changes the other people who are witnessing it, or who are thinking it, and they will take a different road. … Although this is so simple, it’s extremely powerful, because it only comes from the heart. … If you take this advice ……

  • Dee Hock on control

    Life is not about control. It’s not about getting. It’s not about having. It’s not about knowing. It’s not even about being. Life is eternal, perpetual becoming, or it is nothing. Becoming is not a thing to be known, commanded, or controlled. It is a magnificent, mysterious odyssey to be experienced.1 … I have long…

  • Organisms are self-creating, not just self-organizing

    Organisms are born to create and maintain their own life. They are self-creating, i.e., autopoietic; they are not just self-organizing. They maintain their own life by constantly recreating it. Their purpose is not to become machines fulfilling some external task. Thus they are autonomic, i.e., obeying self-law. They are autonomous. An organism’s purpose is to…

  • #jagdelar

    #jagdelar är Dagens Nyheters manifestation för allas lika värde. Uppropet får mig att tänka på Robert Hartman, som flydde Nazi-Tyskland i sin opposition mot Hitler. Hartman ägnade sitt liv åt frågorna “vad är gott?” och “hur organisera det goda?“. Han kom fram till att det är allas problem att organisera det goda. Hans slutsats är…

  • A vision for the future

    We can either… Allow humans to become harnessed…so they become just more effective… Or Re-assess our world view and work…towards human needs. —Charles Tolman1 Note 1 Charles Tolman, ACCU 2013 Exploration of Phenomenology of Software Development, p. 19.

  • Book Review: First Steps to Seeing

    First Steps to Seeing: A Path Towards Living Attentively is Emma Kidd’s first book. Emma Kidd “left the fashion industry to investigate alternative ways of thinking about and doing business” (p. 11). What she didn’t expect was that her explorations would take her right back to the very foundation for her previous work as designer…

  • Preview: The Age of Thrivability

    Here is a preview of Michelle Holliday’s forthcoming book The Age of Thrivability. Michelle Holliday’s work centers around “thrivability” and a view of organizations as living systems. She brings people together and helps them discover ways they can serve life more powerfully through their work. What if we made it our primary intention to enable…