Category: Metaconcepts
Retrospective 2024-17
This is a retrospective of week 17, 2024 (2024-04-22–2024-04-28). I’ve spent the week looking into Forrest Landry’s work. This means that I’ve continued reading An Immanent Metaphysics and listened to some podcasts. Here is a post from earlier this week which is based on one of the podcasts. Below are some additional quotes from two…
The McGilchrist Manoeuvre in the Immanent Metaphysics
The following is from Artem Zen’s interview with Forrest Landry on June 10, 2022. Artem Zen asks Landry what he has discovered and how this understanding has transformed him? Forrest Landry answers: The what part is the Axioms and the Modalities [in the Immanent Metaphysics]. —Forrest Landry Forrest Landry goes on describing how this…