Category: Metaphysics
Retrospective 2025-04
This is a retrospective of week 4, 2025 (2025-01-20–2025-01-26). This week I’ve continued reading Living Consciousness: The Metaphysical Vision of Henri Bergson by William Barnard. Barnard writes (my emphasis): While Living Consciousness is not a book on ethics, it has increasingly become clear to me that different metaphysical assumptions imply different visions of how human…
Retrospective 2024-45
This is a retrospective of week 45, 2024 (2024-11-04–2024-11-10). I’ve started reading Sarah Kendzior’s books Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America and They Knew: How a Culture of Conspiracy Keeps America Complacent this week. I will return to these books next week. I’ve also listened to the…
Rudolf Steiner on Thinking, Feeling, and Willing
This is one of several posts which are based on my reading of The Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner. For other posts, see below. Rudolf Steiner writes about the three factors of life—thinking, feeling, and willing—in the addendum to the 1918 edition of The Philosophy of Freedom. I find it difficult to step into…
From Coincidence of Opposities to Transcendence of Opposities
This is a placeholder for an idea which can be expanded much further. The coincidentia oppositorum is a latin term for the coincidence of opposites. It’s also the name of chapter 20 in The Matter with Things by Iain McGilchrist. This is the first chapter in Part III of the book. The coincidence of opposites…
Deep Metaphysical Assumptions
I find many of Iain McGilchrist’s deep metaphysical assumptions wonderfully resonant, but not all. Let’s explore! What are McGilchrist’s deep metaphysical assumptions? McGilchrist says: I’ve really always been philosophically minded. There were a number of things that occurred to me and seemed terribly important… These were things like that:[1] The whole is never the same…
A Critique of Iain McGilchrist
McGilchrist says that attention is a moral act, but what if he doesn’t see what he doesn’t see? He has replaced one formula (it’s not either/or but both/and) with another more complicated, and, notably, more subtle, one (it’s not either/or or both/and, but either/or and both/and). He loves it! He’s very good at this kind…
The Hemisphere Hypothesis
This post is about Iain McGilchrist’s hemisphere hypothesis. The post is written as a fictional conversation between McGilchrist and myself. I have taken McGilchrist’s answers from his two books The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things. I end the post with some of my own thoughts. (My emphasis in italics.) What is…
Retrospective 2024-39
This is a retrospective of week 39, 2024 (2024-09-23–2024-09-29). I’ve continued immersing myself in Iain McGilchrist’s work this week. I was also reminded by Christopher Alexander’s work in two articles by Bonnitta Roy and Or Ettinger, respectively. I will come back to that. I’ve reviewed what McGilchrist writes about lateralization during the week, but came,…
Tom Campbell and Iain McGilchrist on the Nature of Reality
The following is from a discussion between Tom Campbell and Iain McGilchrist on the nature of reality. Iain McGilchrist is asked to start with providing an “elevator pitch”: Iain (6:05): Yes, I ought to be able to give an elevator pitch… I begin from exploring…the difference between the two brain hemispheres. … These two parts…
Retrospective 2024-17
This is a retrospective of week 17, 2024 (2024-04-22–2024-04-28). I’ve spent the week looking into Forrest Landry’s work. This means that I’ve continued reading An Immanent Metaphysics and listened to some podcasts. Here is a post from earlier this week which is based on one of the podcasts. Below are some additional quotes from two…