Category: Metaphysics
The McGilchrist Manoeuvre in the Immanent Metaphysics
The following is from Artem Zen’s interview with Forrest Landry on June 10, 2022. Artem Zen asks Landry what he has discovered and how this understanding has transformed him? Forrest Landry answers: The what part is the Axioms and the Modalities [in the Immanent Metaphysics]. —Forrest Landry Forrest Landry goes on describing how this…
Retrospective 2024-16
This is a retrospective of week 16, 2024 (2024-04-15–2024-04-21). It turned out that I didn’t write the review of Elisabet Sahtouris’ latest book as mentioned last week. Instead I’ve dived deep into the work of Forrest Landry. I heard about Forrest Landry the first time this week in Tim Freke’s interview with David Schmachtenberger. I…
Retrospective 2014-14
This is a retrospective of week 14, 2024 (2024-04-01–2024-04-07). My first grandchild, Alice, was born on April 2nd. Below is my drawing of her hand. I am moved to tears when I see her and I am grateful that everything went well. Here is also another drawing of Alice. I found the following quote the…
Retrospective 2024-11
This is a retrospective of week 11, 2024 (2024-03-11–2024-03-17). As I mentioned last week, I’m currently working on a review of Robert Rosen’s book Anticipatory Systems. This week, I’ve started reading Bjørn Ekeberg’s book on Metaphysical Experiments. Ekeberg’s focus is on the metaphysics of cosmology and the key assumptions that underlie the mathematical treatment of…