Category: Notes

  • Life-giving work

    Life-giving work is bringing something meaning-filled into being. Bringing something into being requires flexibility and ability to adapt one’s capacities to the demands of the situation. As some degree of mastery is gained, what is brought into being can can become expressive of something that has its own integrity and beauty. These thoughts were inspired…

  • Sociocracy is a method, and still it isn’t

    The Sociocracy Consulting Group writes in this blog post that there “is no lack of theoretical approaches to, and ideas about, shared and/or distributed leadership, self-steering and self-owning organizations, collaborative decision-making, cooperative enterprises, and other more effective, productive, and humanizing alternatives to primarily hierarchical organizations“. What makes sociocracy interesting is that it provides “functional, practical…

  • Att organisera oss rätt

    Idag gästbloggar jag på skolvå där delar med mig av mina tankar kring företag/organisationer där människor frodas.

  • What is a good decision?

    Frederic Laloux makes the following distinctions in Reinventing Organizations, page 46. In the Impulsive-Red perspective, a good decision is the one that gets me what I want. In Conformist-Amber, decisions are held up to the light of conformity to social norms. In Achievement-Orange, effectiveness and success are the yardsticks by which decisions are made. In…

  • Varför denna skillnad?

    I en artikel på DN Debatt 2014-03-09 skriver Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist att “Företag med kvinnlig vd har 12–17 procent lägre vinstmarginal än företag med manlig vd“. Utifrån sina egna erfarenheter skriver Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist att det möjligen “har att göra med hur män och kvinnor bemöts i näringslivet“. Det är helt enkelt tuffare att som…

  • What is organization?

    I don’t think we are working differently enough. The prevailing assumption is that organization is something we design, create and control. I think the world is fundamentally self-organizing. We don’t create it, and we certainly don’t control it, but we can live in it with greater joy and less effort. We can learn to enhance…

  • The Three Principles

    The Three Principles are defined as: Mind—The energy and intelligence of all life Consciousness—The gift of awareness Thought—The creative agent we use to direct us through life Here are short videos where Aaron Turner, Mara Gleason, Michael Neill, and Tanya Kennard explains what the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought means to them: Aaron…

  • Sociocratic principles vs. practices

    I am immersing myself into the exploration of sociocracy and have come to the conclusion that sociocratic principles can be implemented in many ways. It’s the principles that are important, not the practices! The strength in emphasizing the practices is that they are easy to remember and can serve as means to ensure consent, etc.…

  • Lekande katter

    Hittade den här skylten på Ängsö idag. Kör sakta—Lekande katter! Gäller tydligen inte behörig trafik?

  • How to create a strategic focus?

    Here’s an outline of the steps I’d take to create a strategic focus in a sociocratic organization: First, I would give the top circle the aim to develop and maintain a “Strategic Reasoning” (SR). In doing this, the top circle would use the sociocratic picture forming, proposal shaping, and consent decision-making process. The SR would…