Category: Philosophy

  • Book Review: The Systems View of Life

    The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision by Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi is an interdisciplinary book which presents ”a unified systemic vision that includes and integrates life’s” different dimensions (p.xii). All living systems are ”highly nonlinear” networks where there are ”countless interconnections” (p.xii). Here is a summary of the book together with…

  • Free flow of meaning

    This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. Other posts are here. Introduction Arleta Griffor has written two essays in The Search for Meaning, which is a book edited by Paavo Pylkkänen. Griffor writes about the self-organizing nature of the implicate order and how to deal with misinformation, among other things. This…

  • Meaning as being

    This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. Other posts are here. Introduction Arleta Griffor has written two essays in The Search for Meaning, which is a book edited by Paavo Pylkkänen. Griffor writes about the self-organizing nature of the implicate order and how to deal with misinformation, among other things. This…

  • Book Review: Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order

    Paavo Pylkkänen’s aim with Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order is to explore David Bohm’s ideas on mind, matter, time, and conscious experience.1 Pylkkänen was a collaborator with Bohm and has for many years had the intuition that quantum theory is relevant to the understanding of consciousness.2 This has led him to more carefully consider…

  • The meaning of meaning

    The Search for Meaning by Pylkkänen (editor) This is a post in my organizing “between and beyond” series. Other posts are here. The purpose of this post is to explore David Bohm’s notion of meaning in The Search for Meaning by Paavo Pylkkänen (editor).1 The power of meaning is that it completely organizes being.2 Meaning…

  • BELONGING together vs. belonging TOGETHER

    This is a post in my series on organizing “between and beyond.” The post is part of my exploration of deeper generative orders for organizing. Other posts are here. Heidegger’s distinction between belonging together and belonging together is helpful.1 In the first case belonging is primary and determines the together. Things already belong with one…

  • David Bohm och den vetenskapliga andan

    Paavo Pylkkänen skriver i David Bohm och den vetenskapliga andan om Bohm och hans syn på vetenskap, andlighet och – inte minst – dialog (min betoning i fetstil). Bohm och hans världsbild “Bohm upplevde mer och mer att … den verkliga utmaningen var huruvida människor kunde diskutera och agera tillsammans på ett kreativt och koherent…

  • John Seddon on lean

    John Seddon writes about lean in his two books Freedom from Command & Control and The Whitehall Effect. He writes that the term lean was coined by Womack, Roos and Jones1 when they wrote The Machine That Changed the World. The term thus came to represent the Toyota Production System as a whole. What’s interesting…

  • Cybernetics is a poor metaphor for living systems

    Here is how Elisabet Sahtouris defines ecosophy and why she thinks that cybernetics is a poor metaphor for living systems: Ecosophy “… I give the word ‘ecosophy’ (oikos + sophia = oikosophia) the meaning it would have had in ancient Greece, had it come into use there: Ecosophy: wisely run household of human affairs or,…

  • Ancient Indian principles

    I received the following ancient Indian philosophy via Murari Saha, who is a friend. I was struck by how similar these ancient Indian principles of spirituality are to the principles of Open Space Technology. Ancient Indian principles Open Space Technology principles Every Person you encounter is the right one. Whoever comes is the right people.…