Category: Poems

  • Poem: Relationship

    At times we can hijack relationship with neediness and demandsAnd we can start to broadcast a pushing energy a forcing currentAt some point it’s important to switch to openness acceptance and gratitude moment to moment

  • Poem: This Year

    This year is about allowing myself to be taken right to the edge—and just hang out there with as much awareness as possible—letting myself feel into all of it.The Always and Not YetThe Always Presentand Always More

  • Organism Ways

    I move and act,as an organism,in an Organism.I AM an organism,Gaya is another,and the Universe.The World isa seamless fabric—one Organism.We move and actwithin a tapestryof Wholeness.We are mutuallyimplicated ineach other.We carrya holographic pieceof the Whole.The essence ofmy and your lifeis the same.Behold theabundance and unfolding of Life itself.Open upinto Realityin your being.

  • The Artist’s Path

    There is another way,coming from the inside.We can gradually developan inner seeing.This is the artist’spath.It is an intuitive way,which comes fromexperiencingimaginatively,wholeheartedly, andwholesoulfully.Without this way,we are blind and dupedby appearances.There is always morethan meetsthe eye.

  • Wholeness

    We are already whole There’s nothing to do Wholeness is embodied Wholeness is ambiguous Wholeness is not static Wholeness lies behind the parts Wholeness cannot be pinned down Wholeness is not breakable into parts

  • Moving Beyond

    I wrote this while reading Consciousness in Jung and Patañjali by Leanne Whitney. Some-thing No-thing Know-ing Be-ing Seen Seer Moving beyond, beneath, within, and through, mental constructs, allows us to hear, perceive, how they can box us in. Objectification, conceptualization, can fuel confusion. Superimposing words, meanings, and ideas on experiencing distorts perception.

  • The Ground

    Before thought Awareness perceiving Happening by itself It comes if it comes just-in-time Let the attention rest beyond thought Just open be present There’s a release and integration Bubbling up Don’t rush There’s no endpoint Presence Imperfectly perfect Silence Words & Actions Beneficial to the whole In harmony Inner knowing comes first No separation between…

  • Trust

    Might we see ourselves reflected in each other Might we see beyound all differences Might we remember that we belong to each other without condition

  • Poem: I need a timeout

    Live NOW! Don’t postpone it to later. I need a timeout from all left brain stuff. It’s all arbitrary. There’s no grounding except in ideas and constructions. It’s all words. Not even an un-word will help.

  • Poem: Life

    Life is misapprehended by analysis to parts, the following of procedures: a process that prioritises the known, the certain, the fixed, the explicate, the general, the quantifiable over the unknown, the uncertain, the flowing, the implicate, the contextual, whatever is unique— all that presences to us.