Category: Poems

  • Poem: A whisper in the storm

    A WHISPER IN THE STORMThere are signsalong the paththat I ignoredat firstI was taughtto be a cog in the machinewe’ve madeof ourselvesFollowing the trailmaybe one dayI will knowwho I amMy voice isbut one of many— a whisperin the storm

  • Poem: Wild Self

    WILD SELFI learnedthat lovecan be givenand taken away.It’s howmy wild selfgot frightened.I learnedto judge myself,by beingjudged by others.It’s howmy wild selfgot tamed.Note:The second part is from my poem Judgment.

  • Poem: Judgment

    JUDGMENTI learnedto judge myself,by beingjudged by others.It’s howmy wild selfoncegot tamed.I knowI am free,ormaybe not?I allowmyselfto be me,no matter what!

  • Poem: To be bold

    TO BE BOLDTo be bold isto be radically honestwithout defenseor rationalization.It is to acceptwithout judgmentor wish to understand.It is to bewhatever you are.

  • Poem: Chains

    CHAINS I saw a little girl this morning crying on her way to school It could have been me And here I am on my way to work Fifty years later Now, it’s time to break the chains

  • Poem: Organizing

    ORGANIZINGisn’t about logicor engineeringit’s less about designand more about alivenesson paper, our systemslook marvelousin reality, theyare deadeningthe solution is notbetter management,or more controlbut about having fun,playing moreanything else isterribly wrongunhappy peoplemake forunproductive workwhen peopledo what they love andlove what they doeverything ispossible

  • Sitting in silence

    A grown up man sets out on a journey to meet himself. Perhaps at six, with light in his eyes. and love in his heart. He sets out to explain why his life has taken him to a place belonging to someone else. But he can’t! He just sits in silence with tears in his…

  • Where is home?

    Home. I’ve missed it, my whole life. The place where I belong. The place for rest, safety, belonging. The place where I can be I, and you can be you. My whole life has been a search for the way home. Home to myself.

  • What is behind my seeing?

    Melancholy. Sadness. Grounds me. Prepares me. Don’t resist! Or it intensifies. Perceptive. A window. Connecting. With life. Outside.

  • What is my pain?

    It’s strange. I never thought of myself as a lover. But it touches me deeply. My pain is a loving sensitivity. Perhaps? Different stories come to my mind. I’ll tell them another time. Maybe all this is a construction? But I think not. Right now!