Category: Software

  • Welcome to my new Pleroma instance

    I installed Pleroma on a Raspberry Pi (RPi) in May 2022. Now, seven months later, I’ve replaced the RPi with a more powerful Intel NUC. The RPi had become exceedingly slow and Pleroma crashed several times per day. The Known Network had grown to 150k people. The move from the RPi to the NUC was…

  • It does not have to be this way!

    CNBC reported Oct 31, 2022, that Elon Musk has pulled 50 Tesla employees into his Twitter takeover. Tesla employees have been involved in code reviews even though their skills do not overlap with the programming languages and systems Twitter uses. Tesla engineers don’t have experience in designing and operating platforms that are broadly accessible to…

  • How to Build a Raspberry Pi Twitter-Pleroma Bot

    I have a new home on the Fediverse and want to cross-post on Twitter and Pleroma. Here is a description of how I built my own Twitter-Pleroma bot. I used Angus Young’s description on how to build a Raspberry Pi Twitter Bot as the starting point. I only had to add a few lines of…

  • Welcome to my new home on the Fediverse

    Welcome to my new home on the I have been hosting this blog on my own web server since 2012. This means that I had everything in place to install Pleroma, which is a social networking software compatible with other software on the Fediverse such as Mastodon. The installation was straightforward! I used the…

  • Raspberry Pi 4

    My new webserver is a Raspberry Pi 4 with Ubuntu. Related post:Raspberry Pi (in Swedish)

  • Two work perspectives

    Watts Humphrey and Dee Hock are two pioneers, in different areas, and in different ways. They also have two very different ways of seeing work. Watts Humphrey: Work is, or has to be, repeatable Watts Humphrey provides his view on process improvement in Three Process Perspectives: Organizations, Teams, and People (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Annals of…

  • Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi är en liten, billig och rolig dator. För den intresserade finns det mycket hjälp att få på olika forum och hemsidor. Det visade sig gå alldeles utmärkt att installera Raspbian. På skoj installerade jag en webbserver och min blogg på den och har inte haft några problem. Förutom att Raspberry Pi är så…

  • Software Engineering – An idea whose time has come and gone

    Tom DeMarco reassesses his views on Software Engineering – An idea whose time has come and gone? He is wondering whether the advice he gave 40 years back was correct at the time, is still relevant today, and whether he still believes that metrics are a must for successful software development efforts? He is a…

  • Mjukvaruutveckling är ett samarbetsspel

    Tommy Bryntse har gått en tvådagarskurs i Advanced Agile. Syftet med kursen var att ge djupare förståelse i ämnet. Lärare var Alistair Cockburn. Det är intressant läsning. En metafor som användes under kursen är att se på mjukvarutuvecklings som ett samarbetsspel. Spelet har två mål (skeppa fungerande mjukvara, förbered nästa steg) och tre drag (uppfinna,…

  • Software @ ABB

    Prith Banerjee recently joined ABB as CTO. I appreciate his comments on why software plays a major role at ABB. ABB has not been recognized as being a software company because much of the software has been embedded in other products. This is changing. Software is being embedded in more and more of ABB’s products.…