Category: Videos

  • Beat depression without drugs

    Stephen Ilardi argues in The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs that the rate of depression is roughly ten times higher today than it was just two generations ago because our modern life-style. His lifestyle based cure for beating depression without antidepressants has six elements: Physical activity (exercise) Omega-3 fatty acids…

  • A guided meditation through our interiors

    Here is a video with Genpo Roshi who has integrated aspects of Zen state training with Voice Dialogue. The process works by engaging the “voices” of the ego—such as desire, fear, and “the controller”—and then moving into an experience of Big Mind/Big Heart, and the integrated free-functioning self. My question is whether this self really…

  • The conversational nature of reality

    Here is a lovely TEDx talk called Life at the Frontier: The Conversational Nature of Reality by the poet David Whyte which resonates beautifully for me.

  • Creating workplaces where people thrive

    Gregg Kendrick shares his experiences on creating workplaces where people thrive in this video. The video is from the 4-day conference “Making Collaboration Real: Empowering the Workplace with Nonviolent Communication” in San Francisco, March 2011.

  • The end of hierarchy

    Here is a conversation between Gary Hamel and Terri Kelly, president and CEO of W.L. Gore, on Gore’s long-running experiment in natural leadership and managing without managers. Very interesting and fascinating!

  • Thinking like a plant

    “Living thinking can vitalize every area of human engagement.” ~Craig Holdrege, Thinking Like a Plant, p. 10 Here are some brief remarks by Craig Holdrege on how we can model our thinking after living processes. See also other publications by Craig Holdrege.

  • Turn the ship around

    David Marquet is the submarine captain who turned the ship around by treating his entire crew as leaders, not followers. He vowed never to give an order. This is an example on how to release the passion, initiative, and intellect of everyone on the team. The submarine crew continued to do well long after his…

  • Open Workplaces

    Here is a #HRockstars IGNITE session on transforming global workplaces to open workplaces with Johann Gauthier, Suzanne Daigle, Josh Allan Dykstra, Derek Wade, Kevin O’Brien and Linda Stevenson. These persons are dedicated, being relentless in changing the way we work, not separating life and work anymore. Very inspiring!

  • Wise democracy

    Here is an interview where Nicholas Beecroft interviews Jim Rough on Wise Democracy, Choice Creation and Dynamic Facilitation. Dynamic facilitation takes people into a choice-creating conversation which generates the potential for new outcomes. Jim has found that deep wisdom emerges from a randomly chosen group when the group seeks to serve the whole. He has…

  • Nio grundläggande mänskliga behov

    Här är nio grundläggande mänskliga behov från Marshall Rosenbergs kurs i Nonviolent Communication: Försörjning (grundläggande fysiska behov, mat, luft, vatten, tak över huvudet) Trygghet (skydd) Kärlek Empati Vila (rekreation, lek) Gemenskap Kreativitet Autonomi (starkt behov av att välja vår egen väg i livet, finns vid liv i oss från tidig ålder) Mening (leva livet fullt…