Category: Workplaces
Iain McGilchrist on control
The following quote is from a conversation between Iain McGilchrist and Ameer Shaheed in May 2023. It is part of a series of conversations exploring McGilchrist’s philosophy as laid out in The Matter with Things. (My emphasis in italics.) I would go so far as to say that control, which is the single value of…
Carol Sanford on Indirect Work
Carol Sanford writes in Indirect Work: A Regenerative Change Theory for Businesses, Communities, Institutions and Humans that her words are often misinterpreted as direct instruction. People want something they can do, something they can apply directly. This means that what she is describing is downgraded to tactics rather than as an invitation to go deeper.…
It does not have to be this way!
CNBC reported Oct 31, 2022, that Elon Musk has pulled 50 Tesla employees into his Twitter takeover. Tesla employees have been involved in code reviews even though their skills do not overlap with the programming languages and systems Twitter uses. Tesla engineers don’t have experience in designing and operating platforms that are broadly accessible to…
My 10 Year Summary: What I Have Learned
Contents 1. Introduction2. Background3. My Journey 3.1. The initial years (2012–2015) 3.2. The middle years (2016–2018) 3.3. The final years (2019–2022)4. Conclusions5. Afterword6. Acknowledgments7. Recommended Books 1. Introduction I started blogging ten years ago today (Sept 26, 2012). At the same time, I started searching for life-giving ways of working. This is a summary of my journey and…
Henri Bortoft on wholeness in organizations
Simon Robinson inspired me to read Henri Bortoft’s two books The Wholeness of Nature and Taking Appearance Seriously. While reading these books I was struck by the thought that in order to see life in work we need to a dynamic way of seeing. I am currently re-reading Simon Robinson and Maria Moraes Robinson’s book…
Rúna Bouius on Managing People
Rúna Bouius suggests in a newsletter that we need to replace the term “managing people” with something else. Rúna writes (Sept 3, 2022) that: It started with a young leader…contacting me to ask for advice about a workplace dilemma. He explained how he…likes to reach out to subordinates so he can understand where they are…
Arbetsglädje – så skapar du den
Jag lajvtweetade lunchföreläsningen Arbetsglädje – så skapar du denFöreläsare: Elizabeth KuylenstiernaArrangör: Sveriges Ingenjörer den 2020-11-20 kl 12:00–12:45. Arbetsglädje innefattar relationer och meningsfullhet. Arbetsglädje handlar om kittet mellan oss människor Arbetsglädje handlar om energi, lust, positiv anda, fungerande relationer, att få utvecklas, att lära sig, problemlösning tillsammans Men ovisshet är ett utmanande element när det gäller…
My story
In one of our conversations, Skye Hirst said: —I think there is an outline that I am hearing from you that I would like you to hear. Write this down… “My journey started as a little boy in Africa. I liked to draw. I loved to be in the forest with the trees. I have…
Two work perspectives
Watts Humphrey and Dee Hock are two pioneers, in different areas, and in different ways. They also have two very different ways of seeing work. Watts Humphrey: Work is, or has to be, repeatable Watts Humphrey provides his view on process improvement in Three Process Perspectives: Organizations, Teams, and People (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Annals of…
Retrospektiv 2019-12
Detta är en återblick på veckan. Arbetsplatser som möjliggör tänkande Under veckan har jag läst Clever Digs: How Workspaces Can Enable Thought av Jenny Quillien, som under sex års tid arbetade tillsammans med Christopher Alexander. Jenny Quillien skriver (min översättning): När det gäller platser för arbete, känner de flesta av oss en brist; det finns…