Category: Workplaces
Book Review: Turn the Ship Around!
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders by L. David Marquet is “a call to action, a manifesto” for turning followers into leaders (p. xxx) . At its core is the belief that “we can all be leaders, in fact, it’s best when we all are leaders” (p. xxvii). David…
Taylorism in Druckerian clothes
Gianpiero Petriglieri argues that Technology Is Not Threatening Our Humanity — We Are in the 30 October 2015 issue of the Harvard Business Review. Petriglieri writes that while “technology often augments leaders’ power … it is humanity that keeps power in check“, and that “we would do well to revisit a fierce debate that shaped…
Om att arbeta
Lördagen den 24/10 hölls en retreat om att arbeta på Kväkargården i Stockholm. Frågor som vi berörde var: Vad är arbete och vad betyder vårt arbete för oss? Hur kan vi förhålla oss till arbetsro och arbetsstress? Hur finner vi vårt rätta arbete, som ställer oss i ett meningsfullt och innerligt förhållande till livet? Vi…
Work is not just work
Work is not just work, it’s the place to experience the love of your life.—Daniel Siegel 1 Note:1. The Human Mind and the Cultivation of Well-Being,, YouTube. Accessed: 2022-09-15. Published: 2011-09-17. Update 2022-09-15: Link updated. Text converted to blocks.
Book Review: Team of Teams
Teams of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by Stanley McChrystal, with Tantum Collins, David Silverman, and Chris Fussell, is a book about the restructuring of the Joint Special Operations Task Force from the ground up. The book is built upon the authors ”personal experiences”, together with their ”reviews” of ”published studies”…
Dee Hock on control
Life is not about control. It’s not about getting. It’s not about having. It’s not about knowing. It’s not even about being. Life is eternal, perpetual becoming, or it is nothing. Becoming is not a thing to be known, commanded, or controlled. It is a magnificent, mysterious odyssey to be experienced.1 … I have long…
What if control is inappropriate?
My conclusion after having read Brian Robertson’s new book on Holacracy and Gerard Endenburg’s first book on Sociocracy is that neither Holacracy nor Sociocracy replace Command & Control (C&C). Both use C&C within limits. This triggered feedback from Holacracy people that the Lead Link Role doesn’t manage day-to-day work and doesn’t manage others, but that…
Soul of Business
The causes of much of what happens in our lives lie far deeper than we imagine. The Soul Biographies by Nic Askew look beneath the surface of our lives, work and society at an unusual depth. And in doing so, the films open our eyes wide to what people and organizations might become. Film Collection…
Managing without soul
Henry Mintzberg writes about the epidemic of managing without soul … “Managing without soul has become an epidemic in society: managers who specialize in killing cultures, at the expense of human engagement.” “I’ve been in the business of studying organizations for so long that I can often walk into a place and sense soul, or…
Ett exempel på värdegrund
För några år sedan hörde jag en föreläsning av Nirvan Richter, grundare av Norrgavel. Föredraget handlade dels om hantverket i möbelsnickeri, dels om Norrgavels värdegrund. Nirvan Richter är en färgstark person med starka värderingar. Norrgavels värdegrund är tredelad och har ett humanistiskt, ett ekologiskt och ett existensiellt perspektiv: Humanistisk – om människan: Ambitionen är alltid…