Edward Frenkel on the first person perspective and computation

The following is from Lex Fridman’s interview with Edward Frenkel on April 10, 2023. Edward Frenkel is a mathematician and author of the bestselling book Love and Math.

I’m starting to question, why I am not giving as much credibility to my subjective understanding of the world…, the first person perpective… The observer is always involved in the observation.

—Edward Frenkel https://youtu.be/Osh0-J3T2nY?t=2108

If we are declaring from the outset that all there is to life is…computation…, we are from the outset denying to ourselves the possibility that… there is a side of me which cannot be captured by logic and reason.

—Edward Frenkel https://youtu.be/Osh0-J3T2nY?t=2223

You can kind of put yourself in a box where everything is computation, and then you start seeing things as being such. It’s confirmation bias, if you will…

—Edward Frenkel https://youtu.be/Osh0-J3T2nY?t=2369



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