Leanne Whitney on wholeness and attention

The following quotes are from Hannelie Venucia’s interview with Leanne Whitney on Oct 22, 2018. Whitney speaks about the embodied feeling of wholeness and attention, among other things.


The embodied feeling of wholeness is a peace, a calm with a joy. It’s not a joy like a happiness that sort of comes and goes. It’s a continuous feeling vibration energy of life force. … In my opinion that’s what human beings are searching for. How it’s lived in the body.1

I really feel that it’s the wisdom of the body that is going to be really important as we progress in the field of consciousness studies, because the body is speaking to us all the time.2

The mind has gone off into a lot of cognitive knowledge and understanding—and, of course, that has its place—but when it’s so divorced from the non-conceptual, from the non-linguistic, that’s exactly what whole isn’t. We must continue to emphasize, now, the non-conceptual, and the non-linguistic, so people can really begin to take a comfortable seat in their body, and actually begin to understand the energy of the body. … We’ve lived for centuries, now, primarily in this cognitive place.3

Invisibles (and visibles)

I’m not a big fan of the term unconscious because I feel there’s a lot of confusion in consciousness studies with the definition of consciousness itself. So, I like what we can’t see, what’s invisible to us, as opposed to the term unconscious. Depth psychology, historically, is the science of the unconscious. Personally, I prefer it to be the science of the invisible.4

There’s an often used image of an iceberg. You see the tip of the iceberg above the water then there is this much greater piece below. It’s important to understand that the invisibles take up a lot of space, so to speak, and also they are absolutely continuous with the visibles.5

Presence (or presencing)

The human experience becomes a totally different experience when it’s lived from the unbounded presence of what reality is. It’s intelligent in its information. And when we learn how to interpret it in our body…we just become more intelligent as a species. We’re letting in more of what reality is, and we become far more intelligent. Science is even catching up with some of these ideas.6

Perception (and awareness)

Perception allows the invisible that were actually already there to now come into a greater perceptual field. They were always there and perceiving, but not through our human awareness.7

We have a completely false sense of power. We can build cities, and any kind of walls and barriers, but when there’s an earthquake it’s far greater than what we could ever believe we’ll ever do as humans. If we do not understand knowledge and intelligence in a way that is whole, and sustainable, and serving the totality of this Earth home, we will kill ourselves off. The power that we’re speaking of is so different because it is coming from this place of wholeness. It’s coming from this place of understanding that power is coming up and out from the intelligence from within, if you could use that word.8

That’s the logical consistency of the intelligence of the universe. And when we tap into that we really understand it. I believe you want to turn towards it because every time you don’t, you’re blocking the wholeness, you’re blocking the totality of the intelligence of the information that can be coming your way. … When we’re clear on the alignment, then we perceive what’s more subtle. You can’t fool yourself.9


What we’re speaking about here then could be seen as a radical shift, because what we’re saying is that you want to put your attention on the still small voice within. We’re talking about the intelligence that is everywhere. It’s eking out of ourselves and it’s a cohesive wholeness. It’s like a hologram. When you split a holographic image the totality shows up at every piece of the holographic frame. It’s the same with us. Even though we’re unique, the totality is also us.10

For the manifestation to a physical form we need the polarity. … What we don’t want to do is get blinded by that visual perception, because behind that polarity is a non-dual or unified field that supports the visual field of polarity. … We’re always working with opposites in order to find balance, that midline, where all those opposites come into harmony.11

The whole mentality towards what you are doing for work, and how busy you are, and how much money you make, is not sustainable. It’s not sustainable environmentally, and it’s not sustainable for us as humans.12

We’re speaking about the flowering of human consciousness. It’s just this propagation. It’s just coming up in it, and it’s opening up in it, and it’s flowering. … It’s happening on its own accord. It spreads because it is a natural occurrence.13

The point is to have the lived experience in the body. And then whatever is going to unfold is from that place will most certainly unfold. You don’t worry about it. … If any vision is correct, then it will come into fruition and manifestation. You don’t have to go and force it to happen. … The oak is in the acorn. It’s just there. … When the seeds are planted something comes forward.14

Honesty (and joy and flow and play)

When you understand it so such a visceral deep degree, you can’t lie to it, you can’t play a game on it. It’s that intelligent. It knows if you’re turning towards it with a distorted point of view, or try to take ownership of it. … You can’t trip on it without knowing that’s what you’re doing. If that’s what you choose to do, that’s the seed that then burst forth. If you turn towards it with all the reverence that it deserves, and the allowing, and that presence, then it’s just so gentle. Now, you’re in the joy, in the flow, in the play, in the unfolding.15

Silence (before thought)

Follow the prompts and then the serendipity comes.16 There’s also a deep stillness, below perhaps, or beneath.17 The silence in the stillness is the ground of being.18

Stay in your heart and trust your gut. Trust your knowing, and turn towards your body’s wisdom. … Stay in tune with yourself, and with your inner wisdom, and what you know on the deepest levels.19


  1. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=131
  2. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=254
  3. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=282
  4. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=486
  5. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=613
  6. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=920
  7. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=1081
  8. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=1413
  9. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=1782
  10. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=1939
  11. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=2078
  12. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=2353
  13. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=2562
  14. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=3294
  15. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=3435
  16. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=3719
  17. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=3800
  18. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=4084
  19. https://youtu.be/S0jHjY5DT-s?t=4332



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