Organizing retrospective 110

This is a post in my series on organizing ”between and beyond.” Other posts are here. This is a retrospective of what has happened during the week. The purpose is to reflect on the work itself. Here is my previous retrospective. Here is my next retrospective.

What has happened? What needs to be done?
This week, I published two new posts in my series on Life in Work / Liv i arbetet:

  • Liv i arbetet 5Principen om icke-tvång (the principle of no compulsion). This post is based on my review of The Werkplaats Adventure by Wyatt Rawson. There was no use of force – or threat of force in the school. Interestingly, the freedom granted resulted in spontaneous acceptance of responsibility. The children took responsibility, even when the teacher was away. It’s also worth noting that the children didn’t always keep to the rules, even though they had made them themselves – how human! And much of the organization of the school was deliberately left fluid – how unusual! In short, the organizing was based on each child’s intrinsic motivation and value as a human being.
  • Liv i arbetet 6Om värderingar (about values). Holacracy and sociocracy are based on the same principles. Both also value organizational transparency and effectiveness. However, only Sociocracy emphasizes equivalence, that is, each person’s equal value as human beings. My conclusion is that better ways of organizing ultimately is about values. What do we value most? People or the system? I will return to this in future posts.

And I posted two reflections on generative organizing:

  • Organizing reflection 34 — Generative organizing increases individual and organizational freedom, while it balances autonomy and relatedness on all levels. It’s a generative/creative process for well-achieved human relationships, prospering organizations, as well as for an economy in harmony with the biosphere.
    Inspiration: Andreas Weber’s The Biology of Wonder.
  • Organizing reflection 35Generative organizing is self-directed, creative, continual, and reflexive. It’s about expressing our felt sense for a situation. It’s to discover in the real time of the situation how to act effectively.
    Inspiration: Peter B. Vaill’s Learning as a Way of Being.

This week, I’ve read:

And I’m currently reading:

What was good? What can be improved?
Andreas Weber opens up most interesting perspectives on the new biology and the shift from Enlightenment to Enlivenment. It is a paradigm shift! I’m familiar with some of Andreas Weber’s references, for example Elinor Ostrom, but some are new. I’m reminded that I need to review Elinor Ostrom’s Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. I mentioned Ostrom’s book in this and this retrospective almost two years ago. Oops!

Related posts:
Organizing in between and beyond posts



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