Organizing retrospective 59

This is a post in my series on organizing ”between and beyond.” Other posts are here. This is a retrospective of what has happened during the week. The purpose is to reflect on the work itself. Here is my previous retrospective. Here is my next retrospective.

What has happened? What needs to be done?
I’ve read Marina Abramović’s memoir Walk Through Walls this week. Marina Abramović Abramović has spent her life exploring the limits of the body and mind. The wall in the book title is pain. Sometimes the artist becomes one with the audience. A single organism. This is an example of a deep generative order for organizing. Here is my book review.

M. Abramović, Walk Through Walls.

I’ve received three new books this week. The first one is Doug Kirkpatrick’s book Beyond Empowerment: The Age of the Self-Managed Organization. Imagine a company organized solely around shared principles of freedom and self-management. This book is the story of such a company. I’ll read the book and write a review.

D. Kirkpatrick, Beyond Empowerment.

The second book is John O’Donohue’s Anam Ċara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World. It’s a beautifully written book. John O’Donohue has surprisingly much to say about work and the workplace. Chapter 4 is about Work as Poetics of GrowthAgain, I’ll come back with a book review.

J. O’Donohue, Anam Ċara.

The third book is John Seddon’s In Pursuit of Quality: The Case Against 9000. Previously I’ve reviewed John Seddon’s Freedom from Command And Control: A Better Way To Make The Work Work. Here is my review.

J. Seddon, In Pursuit of Quality.

Finally, I’d like to mention this article by Diana Divecha’s on What is a Secure Attachment? And Why Doesn’t “Attachment Parenting” Get You There? It’s an article about the scientific notion of attachment.

Diana Divecha’s conclusion at the end of the article is that “the hard part will be navigating the distracting advice”. “Distracting advice” is misinformation. It’s a kind of “pollution.” I’ve written about it here.

What was good? What can be improved?
John O’Donohue’s writing is exquisite. However, I’m reading too fast. I need to slow down. Otherwise, I’ll miss what’s between and beyond his words.

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Organizing in between and beyond posts







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