Retrospective 2024-28

This is a retrospective of week 28, 2024 (2024-07-08–2024-07-14).

I have read Timothy Snyder this week, who writes:

Strongman rule is a fantasy. Essential to it is the idea that a strongman will be your strongman. He won’t.

—Timothy Snyder, The Strongman Fantasy

At least, the fantasy goes, the strongman will get things done. But dictatorial power today is not about achieving anything positive. It is about preventing anyone else from achieving anything. The strongman is really the weak man: his secret is that he makes everyone else weaker.

—Timothy Snyder, The Strongman Fantasy

If you help a strongman come to power, you are eliminating democracy.  You burn that bridge behind you.  The strongman fantasy dissolves, and real dictatorship remains.

I find Timothy Snyder interesting and have added his new book On Freedom to my reading list.

I’ve listened to Charles Duhigg’s exploration of how the right conversation and connection, at the right moment, can change everything. Charles Duhigg said:

[Deep questions] … are questions that invite others to say something meaningful and real and personal about who they are. … And what we know is that if instead of asking people about the facts of their life, if you ask them how they feel about their life, they will tell you something about who they really are. And we can do this in any setting.

—Charles Duhigg

When I believe you are listening to me I become much more likely to listen to you in return. I can hardly even help but listen to you in return…

—Charles Duhigg

…that act of reciprocating vulnerability, that act of reciprocating authenticity, it opens up something in our brain that makes us feel closer and more connected to the other person, it makes us trust them more, it makes us like them more…

—Charles Duhigg

Our brains have evolved to feel great after a conversation because this entrainment helps us build communities, it helps us build meaningful lives.

—Charles Duhigg

Communication through the heart with love, care, compassion, kindness, tolerance, and appreciation, opens up discernment and intelligence. Acting from a wholeness perspective leads to fulfillment.

I’ve also listened to a workshop with Deborah Rozman and Rollin McCraty on Activating Heart Intelligence.

Deborah Rozman, who is president of HeartMath, said:

Coherent thinking requires coherent feeling.

—Deborah Rozman

Love, care, compassion, kindness, aren’t just nice heart qualities. They are key ingredients in connecting with bigger picture thinking…, or empathy, or compassion, …or see what the wholeness needs. And that also leads right into intuitive discernment. So enhancing human intelligence you can’t just look at…the head stuff, the heart has to be involved, because its signal is influencing what’s happening upstairs. And it’s a very powerful signal. And it’s also a place where we can interact most readily, because we feel alive in this area. We don’t feel a lot in our brain… We say “I love you with all my heart”. We don’t say, “I love you with all my brain”, right? It’s almost funny.

—Deborah Rozman

So this self-management is really important, …that we can learn to self-regulate our thoughts and emotions… It’s not repression, it’s not venting—it’s shifting. As we shift our heart rhythm we shift perception.

—Deborah Rozman

Our focus [HeartMath’s] has been coming into the door of stress management, or performance improvement, or building resilience… When people use these tools and techniques and technology they start to connect with that inner security which only comes from feeling safe in your heart. And they start to connect with that part of themselves.

—Deborah Rozman

Connect with that inner security which only comes from feeling safe in your heart.

—Deborah Rozman

What happens…as we start to listen to and follow our heart… it becomes self-reinforcement, self-soothing. It’s like you now have a new place to go to… Ultimately what we want is people to be able to find that core inside them.

—Deborah Rozman

Just quietly observe any subtle changes in perceptions, attitudes, or feelings.

—Deborah Rozman

Now, whatever you got, step into it and prove it for yourself.

—Deborah Rozman

Rollin McCraty, who is director of research at HeartMath, talked about personal, social, and global coherence. McCraty said:

Coherence…as a term implies that the parts of the system have to communicate with each other, work together [in] a harmonious energy efficient way… So we can apply that within our body, within social units, families, work teams, communities, countries.

—Rollin McCraty

In a coherent team or group or family all the individuals can be doing their own thing, thriving, right? But,yet, perfectly coordinated, if it’s a coherent team, family group, within the objective of the wholeness.

—Rollin McCraty

…research in our lab has confirmed that when we’re in a coherent state, the field we radiate is also more coherent. And that field is not only integrated into the environment, but can, literally, be detected by the nervous systems of other people and have major biological effects.

—Rollin McCraty

A literal group field is formed in groups that we interact with it a lot, especially if we have positive emotional relations bonds within that group.

—Rollin McCraty

So it’s really…about becoming more self-responsible for what we feel.

—Rollin McCraty

Deborah Rozman summarizes by saying:

Basically, it’s about creating heart-based living.

—Deborah Rozman

Rozman guides the participants through a heart coherence exercise at the end of the workshop.

Den här veckan har jag även läst en debattartikel av Magnus Westergren och Hugo Lagercrantz (DN 11/7) som handlar om krisen på Karolinska. De skriver (min kursivering):

Chefsarbete har till stora delar blivit en rent administrativ uppgift. Det har lett till framväxten av ett nytt skrå av administrativa chefer… Antalet chefsnivåer har successivt ökat och ytterligare fjärmat ledningen från verksamheten. Paradoxalt nog leder detta inte sällan till försvagade klinik­ledningar som lämnar fältet öppet för centrala aktöreroch externa konsulter att styra och ställa.

—Magnus Westergren och Hugo Lagercrantz

Den tillförordnade sjukhusdirektören Patrik Rossi basunerade ut (DN 12/6) att det inte innebar några medicinska risker att stänga av en kirurg som tvingades lämna en operation. … Förstår han inte att all den energi som går åt i en organisation för att försöka förstå, bearbeta och protestera i grunden påverkar patientsäkerheten?
Hur kan man hamna så fel?

—Magnus Westergren och Hugo Lagercrantz

När medier vill ha svar på berättigade frågor gömmer ledningen sig fegt bakom argumentet att man inte vill uttala sig om enskilda personalärenden och hoppas att stormen ska bedarra.

Man kan inte låta bli att fråga sig om dessa betydande resurser man lagt ut … mot sina egna betrodda medarbetare inte kunnat användas på ett bättre sätt.

Det är osannolikt att nuvarande ledning lyckas återupprätta förtroendet inom organisationen. Styrelsen bör därför agera och byta ut ledningen för Karolinska universitetssjukhuset.

—Magnus Westergren och Hugo Lagercrantz

Kanske behöver även styrelsen bytas ut?

Update 2024-07-16: Charles Duhigg’s exploration of conversation and connection added.






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