The principle of order from order

The word order entered into physics in the nineteenth century with the notion of entropy in thermodynamics. Entropy is associated with the negation of order, of disorder. Entropy is highest when a closed system has arrived at a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.1

Erwin Schrödinger put forward the principle of order from order in his essay What is Life?2 He associated the transition to equilibrium in a closed system with order from disorder.3 Schrödinger also introduced the idea of feeding (on negative entropy).4

The system has to be open (in a special sense) for the process of order from order to work at all. Schrödinger envisioned two entirely different ways in which systems are open. They are open to forcings and open to what they feed on, what they metabolize.5

The entire process of order from order cannot work at all in a (thermodynamically) closed system.6 The initial order determines what happens, how fast, and in what order.7

1. Entropy,, Wikipedia. Accessed: 2022-10-10. Published: 2022-10-04.
2. Robert Rosen, Essays on Life Itself, p. 3.
3. Ibid., p. 6.
4. Ibid., p. 8.
5. Ibid..
6. Ibid., pp. 8–9.
7. Ibid., p. 26.

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What is order?






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