Author: Jan Höglund

  • Reflection always finds us

    “Reflection always finds us … It is like a voice that calls to us. The difficult task is to welcome it when it arrives. We tend to expect quick solutions when reflection arrives as depression; we might ignore it at first and might use more activity to paint over it.” – Petra Kuenkel, Mind and…

  • Tio sätt att demotivera folk

    Jag har funderat lite på det där med motivation. Jag tror att vi kan ge förutsättningar för motivation, men att vi inte kan motivera någon direkt. En sådan motivation blir extern, och extern motivation förstör den interna motivationen (Motivation – Wikipedia). Så det bästa vi kan göra är att undvika att demotivera! I en handledarutbildning…

  • How to succeed vs. fail with any method

    Tobias Fors describes how to succeed vs. fail with any method, guaranteed. It boils down to that you need to consider the context, learn from the results, and make necessary adjustments regardless of the method used.

  • It matters what we do and how we think

    I have recently started to read Mind and Heart by Petra Kuenkel. This is a truly amazing book which is about our personal leadership journeys. Here is a short introduction video. I will come back with a book review.  

  • Three faces of power

    I am convinced that we need to change existing power structures in order to achieve organizational democracy. An example are the struggles we see with scaling agile software development to the whole organization. This is ultimately a question of changing the power distribution. Kenneth E. Boulding defines the three faces of power as: Threat Power…

  • Stop treating organizations as machines

    “Stop treating teams and organizations as machines. Start treating them as complex (living) systems.” – Jurgen Appelo

  • Crucial ingredients for collective action

    Petra Kuenkel writes on her blog that: “Innovative approaches and new solutions often derive from people’s ability to dialogue and partner for the future. The quality of how we do this matters. People implement what they have helped to create.” She lists the following ingredients for successful collective action: Understand the system Create resonance Prepare…

  • Tillfredsställande arbetsplatser

    Wise Group (Ingenjörskarriär 2013-02-13) har låtit cirka 5000 personer svara på frågor om vad som krävs för att en arbetsplats ska upplevas som attraktiv och tillfredställande. Undersökningen pekar på följande punkter, i prioritetsordning: Att kunna utvecklas i jobbet. Att vara stolt över sitt företag/sin organisation. Att vara nöjd med sin egen arbetsinsats. Att ha ett…

  • Basic desires that motivate our actions

    Steven Reiss explains in Who am I?: The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personality how the following 16 basic desires shape and guide nearly all human behavior: Acceptance, the need for approval Curiosity, the need to learn Eating, the need for food Family, the need to raise children Honor, the…

  • Dynamic Governance is FUNDAMENTALLY different

    I became very enthusiastic when I first heard about sociocracy, or Dynamic Governance. Here’s a video series by Ted Millich where he describes what sociocracy, is, how sociocracy works, and what is fundamentally different about sociocracy: Beyond Democracy 1 – What is the Next Step in the Evolution of Human Governance Beyond Democracy 2 –…