Author: Jan Höglund

  • Great results happen when

    Great results happen when: People know why they are doing their work. Organizations focus on outcomes and impacts rather than features. Teams decide what to do next based on immediate and direct feedback from the use of their work. Everyone cares. Notes: This is from a workshop in London in February 2013 with “thought leaders”…

  • Self-organization is not anarchy or dictatorship

    Self-organization is not social chaos (as under anarchy) or social order (as under dictatorship). Put in another way, dictatorship or anarchy makes self-organization difficult.

  • Management & to manage (English-Swedish translations)

    The noun management and the verb manage cannot be directly translated into Swedish. Below are possible English-Swedish translations: The verb manage comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools), which derives from the Latin word manus (hand). management {noun} förvaltning · styrelse · skötsel · direktion · ledning · hanteringssystem · handhavande · hantering…

  • Den svenska chefen är djupt rotad i svensk historia

    Den svenska chefstypen är speciell och djupt rotad i svensk historia hävdar Gunnar Wetterberg, Sacos samhällspolitiske chef, i Cheferna – en svensk kulturtillgång. Den svenska chefens främsta styrka är prestigelösheten. Gunnar Wetterberg härleder det prestigelösa svenska chefskapet dels från statsmannen Axel Oxenstierna som blev svensk rikskansler 1612, dels från det unikt jämlika bondesamhället. I Sverige…

  • What’s behind the need of control?

    What’s the driver behind the need of control in autocratic command-and-control management? Here’s what I found in Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination by Walter Wink. “Why do you need to control everything?” he was asked. “Because if things go wrong I’ll get blamed.” “What fear lies behind that need…

  • Contrasting Sociocracy and Holacracy

    Sociocracy is an interesting dynamic governance method which is described in We the People. Aspects of sociocracy are incorporated into Holacracy. This video contrasts the underlying intentions and practical differences between the two methods. I think this is an example of where the same principles, but with different intentions, leads to different practices. I would…

  • When software developers embrace visual facilitation

    Øredev is an annual software development conference held in Malmö Sweden. The program staff at Øredev were so excited about visual facilitation that they invited ImageThink be conference speakers and teachers. Here’s the story: ImageThink in Sweden. One of the conference participants thought that ImageThink’s workshop was probably the most useful event at the conference.

  • Management is designed to get compliance

    Daniel Pink talks in this Stoos Connect video about management as a technology from the 19th century. It’s designed to get compliance. We need engagement instead, but people cannot be managed into engagement. Engagement must be built around the principles of self-direction. It’s a big and urgent challenge!

  • A matter of life and death

    John Wenger asks in his post A Matter of Life and Death “Why would the whole of the Universe be a complex, self-organising and interdependent system, and a business be a top-down, controlled machine?” Yes indeed why? He continues saying that “Even if we continue to “KNOW” that our business is a machine, it does…

  • Visual facilitation training (continued)

    I have had two fantastic days with Fran O’Hara in her Graphic & Visual Facilitation Training at Wallace Space in London. Visual recording is a very effective way of capturing the essence and key messages of a meeting. It became very clear during the training that Fran has many, many years of experience. She has…