Category: Leadership
Samtycke bakom framgången i vinter-OS
Andreas Björkman skriver på om hemligheten bakom Sveriges framgångar i skidspåren vid vinter-OS i Sotji 2014 och citerar Johan Olsson och Rikard Grip. “Vi har fått bestämma i stort sett hela tiden och sedan har vi haft ett team bakom som har vågat lita på vår erfarenhet och gett oss resurserna“, säger Johan Olsson.…
The upside of self-management
Gary Hamel provides suggestions on how unpack self-management in his new book What Matters Now. Why bother? Well, here is the upside of self-management from What Matters Now, pages 223-225: More initiative – people do help each other if given the opportunity, initiative flourishes More expertise – people do take responsibility for the quality of…
Unpacking self-management
In a previous post I asked (in Swedish) whether management is needed? My answer is yes, self-management, or as I would rather put it, self-organizing. The follow-up question then is how do you enable self-management? Gary Hamel has a number of suggestions in his book What Matters Now, pp. 212—217: Make the mission boss Let…
What is authentic leadership?
Kevin Kruse summarizes different views on authentic leadership in his Forbes article from May 12, 2013. According to him, most theorists agree that authentic leaders: Are self-aware and genuine. Are mission driven and focused on results. Lead with their heart, not just their minds. Focus on the long-term. Inspired by Petra Kuenkel (Mind & Heart)…
Leadership lessons from Nelson Mandela
Steve Tappin contemplates and celebrates Nelson Mandela’s legend by listing seven profound leadership lessons that we can learn from him: Master your meaning and your emotions Treat the losers with dignity and turn them into partners Shift perspectives through symbolism and shared experiences Embody the spirit of Ubuntu Everybody feels bigger in your presence Build…
Principles for collaborative leadership
I occasionally see suggestions that business leaders should act more like orchestra conductors. The idea being that you as a leader should guide your business like a conductor leads an orchestra. Well, you shouldn’t! When asked if the orchestra conductor is a good role model for business leaders, Ben Zander, a conductor himself, answered: “It’s…
Addressing the blind spot of our time
Otto Scharmer shows in Theory U how groups and organizations can develop their leadership capacities in order to create a future that would not otherwise be possible. Here is a summary of his book Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerge. The journey through the U consists of seven essential cpacitites: Holding the…
How to confront complex challenges as a team?
I am now reading Leading from the Emerging Future by Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer. Chapter 4 of the book is about the Source: Connecting to Intention and Awareness. Whenever a team, or an organization, is to confront a complex challenge which requires collective creativity, the following stages emerge: Suspension. A precondition is to stop…
On working in a connected workplace
Jon Husband has been studying the sociology of human social systems and the structures and dynamics of the organizations in which they work and play for the last 40 years. He has coined and defined the term and concept of wirearchy, which is a dynamic two-way flow of power and authority based on knowledge, trust,…
Behövs “management”?
Behövs management för att vi människor ska kunna samarbeta? Jag är inte så säker på det, men det beror ju på vad vi menar med management. Jag skriver management i kursiv stil därför att en direkt översättning av ordet saknas i svenskan. Den bild jag har av management är en företagsledning som styr de resurser – människor och maskiner…