Category: Leadership
The power of vulnerability
Brené Brown talks about The power of vulnerability. She studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In this talk, she shares insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.
Leadership and dynamic self-governance
I am currently reading We the People by John Buck and Sharon Villines, which is a book about dynamic self-governance or sociocracy. The concept of leadership goes much deeper in a self-governed organization than in a traditional autocratic organization, because leadership is the responsibility of all. Each person is expected to take part in both…
Creating workplaces where people thrive
Gregg Kendrick talks about Creating Workplaces Where People Thrive (1 h 28 min). If you don’t have time to look at the full video clip I would suggest you start viewing 45 minutes from start.
W.L. Gore’s management model
Gary Hamel describes W.L. Gore’s original management model in this story on innovation democracy. Lessons learned are to: Believe in people – trusted them to be passionate and engaged in their work Lead with (and live) your values – walk the talk, every day Take the long view – foster employee growth and innovation Be…
Hypocrisy drives people away
Alex Fradera writes in his post driven away by hypocrisy that interpersonal justice, treating others with care and respect, can lead to favorable interactions and higher engagement but that it’s important to watch out for hypocrisy. He refers to a study by Rebecca Greenbaum, Mary Mawritz, and Ronald Piccolo where they examined the impact when…
Designing space for better organizational and individual life
Salima Nathoo says it’s time to get your shift together as leader. She lists the following five key shifts to better organizational and individual life while driving business excellence: Openness → Truth Values → Voice Performance → Play Dream → Dare Embrace → Exchange She says conversation is the catalyst for every shift. It all…
Holakrati, holokrati och sociokrati
Carl Blomberg, som driver bloggen Agil HR, twittrade häromdagen om Holacracy at Adscale Laboratories: Agile for the Entire Organization. Det väckte min uppmärksamhet och fick mig att titta närmare på holakrati (eng holacracy). Jag googlade och hittade en introduktion till holakrati skriven av upphovsmannen Brian Robertson själv. Man kan säga att holakrati är ett sätt…
Maslow och presidentvalet
Jag har nyligen läst Maslow on Management och även skrivit ett par inlägg om Maslows syn på funktionellt ledarskap och hur struktur blockerar vår kommunikation och hämmar individen. Med tanke på det amerikanska presidentvalet så kommenterar Maslow den politiska situationen så här (min översättning till svenska): “… ledare tenderar att välja sig själva.” (sid 154) “……
Book Review: Maslow on Management
The basic theme in Maslow on Management by Abraham Maslow is “enlightened” management. What I found particularly interesting was Maslow’s commenting of contemporaries like Drucker, Likert, McGregor, Argyris, Rogers, Skinner, et al. He writes for example that Skinner stressed “again and again and again … on predictability, on control, on lawfulness, structure, etc.” and how…
Funktionellt ledarskap
Jag läser just nu Maslow on Management. Funktionellt ledarskap är enl. Maslow ledarskap anpassat till funktionen. Exempelvis har Svartfotsindianerna inga generella ledare med generell makt, som t ex USAs president eller Sveriges statsminister. Istället har de olika ledare beroende på situationen. Svartfotsindianerna väljer alltid den ledare som är bäst lämpad för uppgiften. Vem som är…