Category: Leadership
Needed changes in the management ecosystem
Steve Denning summarizes in Don’t Diss the Paradigm Shift In Management: It’s Happening! the changes needed in the management ecosystem: 1. The goal of the organization is to add value to the customers. 2. The role of managers is to nurture self-organizing teams. 3. The way work is coordinated is through dynamic linking. 4. The…
Stop demotivating people
Jason Gots writes in How to crush an employe’s enthusiasm that unsuccessful bosses and parents have one thing in common: they are expert demotivators. Jason refers to Jim Collins who says that “the best leaders don’t worry about motivating people – they hire passionate employees and don’t extinguish their passion“. John Wenger writes on the…
Människan är inte en maskin
Micco Grönholm skriver i Fuck Taylor att om “ledarskap är en slags teknologi, är den teknologi som vi använder idag från början av 1900-talet“. Det är en teknologi som eftersträvar kontroll och lydnad. Det handlar “om att kontrollera individer och få dem att görs som de blir tillsagda“. Problemet är bara, vilket Micco också avslutar…
The management view of agile
Craig Smith refers to a series of articles by Steve Denning and asks in his article The Management View of Agile whether agile adoption is being stifled by traditional management because they are unaware or more because they are unwilling? Or is it maybe, as Chris Goldsbury puts it, because they are “…unconvinced, undecided, unsure…
Scalable Collaboration
Steve Denning writes about Scalable Collaboration: Lessons From China. The conclusion is that unless firms learn how to manage in radically different ways, meeting customer needs through continuous innovation, they will be choosing to die.
Morgondagens ledare?
Är du morgondagens ledare? frågar Mattias Seger i detta inlägg. Det räcker inte med att vara chef, du måste också vara ledare.
Does Agile Change Management Thinking?
David Joyce asks wheher Agile, Lean, and Kanban change management thinking? The answer is no, not really! Lack of management understanding has actually hindered Agile to become as successful as it could have been. For some reason management doesn’t seem to get it. People have told David that “managers still want us to be seen…
Adaptive leadership
Jim Highsmith on adaptive leadership in organizations. He talks about accelerating enterprise agility (how do you get there?), doing agile, and being agile.
UnManagement à la Peter Antman
Vill du ha ett smakprov på vad det innebär att gå bortom Agile, eller kanske mer korrekt, att bli eller leva Agile? Då ska du läsa Peter Antmans blogginlägg UnMgmt i praktiken där han skriver om sin fem år långa resa som agil utvecklingschef. Såååå intressant!
Programmerarna visar vägen
Jag har tidigare refererat till Peter Antman och hans tankar om att programmera om arbetslivet. På finns en längre text om hur programmerna visar vägen till ett bättre sätt att organisera arbete. Det är intressant läsning!