Category: Sociocracy

  • En historisk tillbakablick

    Jag är intresserad av kväkarnas beslutsmetod och har tidigare skrivit om den här. Metoden är intressant eftersom den är djupt demokratisk och bygger på ett sökande efter en slags enighet vid besluten. Nyligen läste jag boken De gnostiska evangelierna av Elaine Pagels och slogs av likheterna mellan kväkarnas synsätt och de gnostiskt kristna från de…

  • What is a policy?

    Sharon Villines has written a post on what is a policy to clarify the distinction between policy decisions and operations decisions in sociocracy. Still, I am struggling with this – for several reasons. One reason has to do with terminology. I think policy is a false friend. We have the same word in Swedish, but…

  • Stoos Stockholm

    Stoos Stockholm är ett lokalt nätverk i det internationella Stoos-nätverket. Stoos grundidé är att vi behöver hitta nya sätt att skapa hållbara organisationer. Den 30 september arrangerar Stoos Stockholm en träff kring sociokrati. Sociokrati möjliggör dynamiskt självstyre i organisationer genom en effektiv beslutsprocess (samtycke) och förstärkt återkoppling mellan arbetsgrupper (dubbla länkar).

  • What if the organization is a living system?

    Holacracy is described as a new operating system 1 for evolution-powered organizations. It’s a punchy analogy which people understand. What people seem to forget is this: The operating system as a metaphor requires people to execute the programming code, but people aren’t microprocessors. This might seem like playing with words, but metaphors both reflect and…

  • Listening deeply

    It is always challenging to handle objections and conflicting viewpoints in circle. The circle can easily slip into a situation where people try to talk each other into, or out of, some opinion. It is easy to forget that the aim is not to reach consensus, or to persuade anyone of anything, but to honor…

  • Practices related to self-management

    Self-managed organizations adapt continuously, fluidly, and organically provided a few basic practices are put in place. Frederic Laloux emphasizes the following three practice in Reinventing Organizations (pp. 270—271): Decision-making (by consent): Make sure that all can make any decision, as long as they seek advice from people affected and people who have expertise. Conflict resolution:…

  • Sociocracy is a method, and still it isn’t

    The Sociocracy Consulting Group writes in this blog post that there “is no lack of theoretical approaches to, and ideas about, shared and/or distributed leadership, self-steering and self-owning organizations, collaborative decision-making, cooperative enterprises, and other more effective, productive, and humanizing alternatives to primarily hierarchical organizations“. What makes sociocracy interesting is that it provides “functional, practical…

  • Citizen Hive’s tree organization

    Citizen Hive in Lund, Sweden, use a tree on their organization page to show where they are positioned in relation to the larger context of other organizations and society. Citizen Hive use Sociocracy and have a nice description of Sociocracy on their governance page. Thanks to Michael Göthe for providing the link. Here and here…

  • BPT’s tree organization structure

    Here is Brighton Permaculture Trust’s tree shaped organization structure. The tree with its trunk and spreading branches is a down-to-earth way of representing an organization. It turns the traditional pyramid on its head. The trunk and branches are there to lift the leaves up into the sun where they can do their job most effectively.…

  • Tree shaped circle organization

    This is a Sociocratic circle organization which was created at the Sociocracy & the Art of Facilitation Training at Ängsbacka on March 22-24. The idea to draw the circle organization as a tree comes from Nova Wegerif, Ängsbacka. Related posts: Sociocracy requires a new mindset Scrum vs. Sociocracy Sociocratic principles can be implemented in many…