Category: Sociocracy

  • Cultural dimensions of sociocracy

    I think that sociocratic principles are equally applicable to all groups regardless of their culture, but I also think the Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method has to be tailored depending on the culture. For example, what will be considered as an efficient circle meeting depends on whether you are linear or flexible with your time. Acceptable behavior…

  • Unspoken sociocracy principles

    Below are the unspoken sociocracy principles as Ted Millich sees them. The quote is from his mail to the Sociocracy email discussion list on Yahoo, April 24, 2015: “I once made a list of what I thought were sort of unspoken sociocracy principles and asked Gerard Endenburg what he thought about them. Endenburg told me…

  • Scaling sociocracy is all about the context

    Scaling sociocracy is all about the context. And it has to be done by invitation in the first place. Sociocracy is, in a wider sense, rule by the “socios,” people who have a social relationship with each other. The following is a quote of John Schinnerer from the Sociocracy email discussion list on Yahoo, April…

  • Några tankar om sociokrati

    Det är en paradox att efter att ha skrivit en sociokratibok så upplever jag att sociokrati, som metod, har blivit alltmer ointressant. Det verkligt intressanta är de sociokratiska principerna, t.ex. likvärdighet vid beslutsfattandet, men dessa är å andra sidan inte unika för sociokrati. Ett exempel finns här och handlar om kväkarna som har 350-års erfarenhet…

  • Self-organization is the real operating system

    Here are quotes of Daniel Mezick from an email to the World wide Open Space Technology email list March 20, 2015. (My emphasis in bold.) Harrison you once said recently: “The real operating system is self-organization, Daniel. Everything else is an app. Open Space included!” I’ve just recently integrated this idea more fully into my…

  • Sociokratibok: Idag publicerades boken

    Idag publicerade John Schinnerer och jag vår sociokratibok. Arbetet påbörjades i juli 2013. Den 1:a delen av boken beskriver de grundläggande principerna i sociokrati. Den 2:a delen innehåller vanliga frågor och svar. I den 3:e delen finns arbetsmaterial som sammanfattar och kompletterar bokens två första delar. Framtida versioner av boken kommer att utökas med fler…

  • Implementing sociocracy without sociocracy

    Implementing sociocracy without sociocracy might seem as a contradiction in terms, but what I mean is that it is possible to implement sociocracy (the principles) without sociocracy (the method). I have written previously here, here, and here that sociocratic principles can be implemented in many ways. It’s important to make the distinction between sociocratic principles…

  • Sociocracy as practiced by the G/wi

    Sociocracy is a rediscovery of something our ancestors have practiced for tens of thousands of years. Nomadic hunter-gatherer band societies practice it, and have likely been practicing it, since prehistoric times. Here is an example from Politics and history in band societies, edited by Eleanor Leacock and Richard Lee, pages 32 and 34: “Activity in…

  • Sociokrati är som en skogsträdgård

    Esbjörn Wandt skriver i Skogsträdgården på Holma att “det finns intressanta paralleller mellan hur sociokrati och en skogsträdgård fungerar” eftersom båda bygger på självorganisation. I artikeln beskriver Esbjörn hur det levande bygger på “ett samspel mellan självorganiserande enheter” och “ett ständigt flöde av energi, materia och information“. På samma sätt påminner sociokrati om naturen med sina självstyrande…

  • Ackoff on consensus

    I have written previously here that I am convinced that sociocratic principles can be implemented in many ways. Below is an additional example from Russel L. Ackoff on the use of consensus which sounds very sociocratic to me: “Decisions made by a majority of participants usually create a dissatisfied minority.” “Decision-making by consensus avoids such…