Category: Notes

  • Machines are allonomic, living organisms are autonomic

    There is a distinction between being autonomic, obeying self-law, and allonomic, obeying some other’s law. Machines are allonomic. Allonomic means other law.  Other law means that the machine’s builder specifies the laws by which a machine operates.  Laws refer to the causal connections within the machine. Machines are assembled piece by piece by the machine’s…

  • Autognomics: Radical self-knowing

    Autognomics translates from Greek and basically means “know yourself at the deepest possible level”. Autonomics points to a unique characteristic of how life-knows itself. The “g”, making it autognomics, is added for greater clarity of meaning drawing from the word gnostic, to know. Skye Hirst is co-founder of The Autognomics Institute. The mission of the…

  • Metaphor: An organization as a tree

    Daniel Mezick posted my Holacracy book review on Facebook . . . . . . and Michelle Holliday replied with the following metaphor of an organization as a tree. Here’s an excerpt of Michelle’s reply (my emphasis in bold) : … If we think of an organization as a tree, the roots can represent the…

  • Livsfarlig ledning

    “Oberoende av siffrorna så mår företag kanske inte så bra av att göra sig av med sin själ” —Bengt Carlsson & Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall, Livsfarlig ledning, sid 101. Här är nio lärdomar som kan dras av historien om kraschen: Låt inte verkligheten jaga kartan Förvärv blev fördärv Det går inte att ändra för mycket för snabbt…

  • Managing without soul

    Henry Mintzberg writes about the epidemic of managing without soul … “Managing without soul has become an epidemic in society: managers who specialize in killing cultures, at the expense of human engagement.” “I’ve been in the business of studying organizations for so long that I can often walk into a place and sense soul, or…

  • Zappos and Holacracy

    “It’s kind of deliciously ironic that self-management is being decreed from above.” — Jeffrey Pfeffer1 “Holacracy, itself, is too complex, dogmatic, and rigid.” — Bud Caddell2 I’ve previously written about it here. There is always a cost in trying to script people’s behavior. They might decide to withdraw their engagement. I think this is what’s…

  • Att lyssna till livet i allt

    Tisdagen den 19/5 var jag på en samtalskväll på Kväkargården i Stockholm. Temat var “Hur kan jag leva ett hållbart liv? — Att lyssna till livet i allt”. Samtalet skedde på kväkerskt vis, dvs. i rundor med tid för tystnad och eftertanke. Kvällen leddes av Anneli Örtqvist och Torbjörn Söderquist, som skapade ett öppet rum…

  • Remember to live the questions now

    Remember to be deeply honest with yourself, deeply aware of yourself. It requires that you face choices and realize that sometimes the right choice are difficult ones. Remember that the way forward demands the most intense personal integrity. It demands that you become aware of and live out of that deep center in yourself that…

  • A prerequisite for sociocracy is a socios

    A prerequisite for sociocracy is that there is a socios, a group of people who share a common purpose and have a social relationship with each other. No socios! No sociocracy! A key question then is how to turn a demos, a general group of people, into a socios? Throughout history, our ancestors have established…

  • Cultural dimensions of sociocracy

    I think that sociocratic principles are equally applicable to all groups regardless of their culture, but I also think the Sociocratic Circle-Organization Method has to be tailored depending on the culture. For example, what will be considered as an efficient circle meeting depends on whether you are linear or flexible with your time. Acceptable behavior…