Category: Sociocracy

  • Books on Sociocracy

    The two major books on Sociocracy by Gerard Endenburg are: Sociocracy: The organization of decision-making. This is the first complete presentation of Endenburg’s method of decision-making and organization. The book is particularly interesting since it includes Gerard Endenburg’s own story of Sociocracy. The original edition was published in Dutch in 1981. Here is a review…

  • A comparison between two major Sociocracy books

    Here’s a comparison between Gerard Endenburg’s two major books on Sociocracy. The common parts in the books are marked in red color in the table below. Sociocracy The organization of decision-making Sociocracy As social design INTRODUCTION PART 1: THE BASIC RULES OF SOCIOCRATIC CIRCLE ORGANIZATION – Sociocracy is relevant to every organization, regardless of its…

  • Hur få en organisation att bli agil?

    En fråga som jag funderar över är hur vi på ett bättre sätt kan arbeta tillsammans. Med bättre menar jag ett mer människovänligt sätt. Och med människovänligt menar jag ett sätt som ger den enskilde individen möjlighet att fullt ut ”komma till sin rätt”. Detta är inte enbart en fråga om respekt för den enskilda…

  • Vad är sociokrati?

    Sociokrati är en metod för likvärdigt, effektivt och transparent självstyre. Organisationer som leds utifrån sociokratiska principer blir mer harmoniska, dynamiska och flexibla. Och därmed effektiva! Läs mer på

  • Sociocracy changes people

    Ted Millich has made a video about sociocarcy. One thing that he didn’t anticipate kept presenting itself — sociocracy changes people who use it. Here’s his blog/vlog on How People Who Use Sociocracy Grow and Change. Related posts: Sociocracy requires a new mindset Scrum vs. Sociocracy Sociocratic principles can be implemented in many ways Sociocracy…

  • Both/and thinking

    “Sociocracy is about the power of self-organizing environments that relish both/and thinking. … To foster collaboration in a small organization or on a massive scale, we must find fundamentally smarter ways to challenge what we think we know and how we communicate. The journey is to learn to self-organize in a way that we all win.…

  • Scrum’s big brother

    John Buck writes in Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy) is Scrum’s Big Brother that agile principles are parallel to many sociocratic principles and patterns. Both agile and sociocracy reminds me of Dee Hock. He was way ahead of his time in contemplating what biology, chaos and complexity theory could teach us in business. See Dee Hock in his…

  • Beyond democracy

    Here are eight introductory videos by Ted Millich about Sociocracy/Dynamic Governance: Beyond Democracy 1 — What is the Next Step in the Evolution of Human Governance Beyond Democracy 2 — What is FUNDAMENTALLY different about Sociocracy Beyond Democracy 3 — How Sociocracy works Beyond Democracy 4 — What Sociocracy Looks Like in Use Beyond Democracy 5 — How People Who…

  • Sociocracy online resources

    Online Resources – Sociocracy/Dynamic Governance Six-minute video: Members of Lost Valley Educational Center/MeadowSong Ecovillage, a permaculture-based Intentional community, describe how they changed from consensus decision-making Sociocracy, which they see as a permaculture approach to self-governance. Comments on his video were made by folks who are self-admittedly “Sociocracy beginners,” which makes them good at introducing…

  • Behövs “management”?

    Behövs management för att vi människor ska kunna samarbeta? Jag är inte så säker på det, men det beror ju på vad vi menar med management. Jag skriver management i kursiv stil därför att en direkt översättning av ordet saknas i svenskan. Den bild jag har av management är en företagsledning som styr de resurser – människor och maskiner…